Purge Incentive Compensation Staging Table Data

Use the Purge Incentive Compensation Staging Table Data process to remove staged data after an import. You can purge transaction, currency conversion rate, and participant staged data.

If you import invalid data, you can purge the data from the staging table.
  1. Click Navigator > Credits and Earnings > View Processes.

  2. Click Schedule New Process.

  3. Search for the Purge Incentive Compensation Staging Table Data process.

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Parameters region, select the staging table to purge:

    • Currency conversion rate staging ( for CN_CONVERSION_RATES_STAGING_T table )
    • Participant goal staging ( for CN_SRP_GOALS_STAGING_T table )
    • Participant staging ( for CN_SRP_PARTICIPANTS_STAGING_T table )
    • Participant detail staging ( for CN_SRP_PRTCPNTS_UCM_STAGING_T table )
    • Transaction staging ( for CN_TP_TRANSACTIONS_STAGING_T table )
  6. Select the I understand that purged data can't be retrieved check box.

  7. Click Submit.