Trading Community Resource Team

A collection of resources and resource groups brought together for a purpose. For example, a sales team formed to work on a specific opportunity or lead. These teams are not aligned with a given organization.

Life Cycle Status: Active

QName: {}ResourceTeamService

Service WSDL URL: https://servername/crmService/ResourceTeamService?WSDL

Logical Business Objects

  • CRM : Trading Community Model : Trading Community Resource


The following table describes how this service data object is related to other service data objects or business object services.

Relationship Type Object or Service


Trading Community Resource Team Usage


Trading Community Resource Team Translation


Resource Team Member


Trading Community Resource Team SDO


Trading Community Resource Organization or Team Member


Trading Community Resource Team SDO Additional Information


Trading Community Resource Team Member Role Assignment



The Get operation for the trading community resource team SDO.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



The Get operation of the trading community resource team filtered by the team identifier.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The trading community resource team SDO that matches the inbound key attributes.


The Create operation for the trading community resource team SDO.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description


Trading Community Resource Team

The trading community resource team SDO to be created.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The result of the operation that includes the successfully created trading community resource team SDO and a list of warning or information messages.


The Update operation for the trading community resource team SDO.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description


Trading Community Resource Team

The trading community resource team SDO to be updated.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The result of the operation that includes the successfully updated trading community resource team SDO and a list of warning or information messages.


The Delete operation for the trading community resource team SDO.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description


Trading Community Resource Team

The trading community resource team SDO to be deleted.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



A list of warning or information messages encountered when the object was deleted.


The Merge operation for the trading community resource team SDO. It performs an update if the object exists, or an insert if the object doesn't already exist.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description


Trading Community Resource Team

The trading community resource team SDO to be merged.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The result of the operation that includes the successfully merged trading community resource team SDO and a list of warning or information messages.


The Find operation for the trading community resource team SDO.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



The criteria used to limit the query result, such as the filter (where clause) and the fetch size.



Find Control. Not currently used.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Trading Community Resource Team

The result of the operation that includes a list of trading community resource team SDO that satisfy the inbound criteria and any warning or information messages.


The Bulk load operation for the trading community resource team SDO.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



Indicates what actions were performed, such as Create, Update, Merge, or Delete.


Trading Community Resource Team

A list of the trading community resource team SDOs to be processed.



Controls the bulk upload behavior, such as whether the valid data is committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch, and whether the outbound operation contains the key attributes only or the full object.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description


Trading Community Resource Team

The result of the operation that includes a list of trading community resource team SDO that are successfully processed and any warning or information messages.


An operation to apply the changes back to the data source for the trading community resource team SDO.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



The object used to represent the changes that were made.



Controls the bulk upload behavior, such as whether the valid data is committed if there are other invalid data in the same batch, and whether the outbound operation contains the key attributes only or the full object.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The result of the operation that includes a list of created/updated data objects, and all warning and informational messages.


An operation to retrieve user interface hints, such as the service data object label and object attribute labels, for the specified service data object and locale. As a prerequisite, invoke the getEntityList operation defined on this service to get the list of possible values for the viewName request payload element.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Element Name Type Description



The service view usage name, an internal name for the service data object. Specify the value of the name element from the getEntityList operation response payload.



The locale used when evaluating the locale-based user interface hints. The localeName is in the ISO 639-1 format.

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The label and user interface hints for the specified service data object and its attributes in a name-value pair format.


An operation that returns the date and time when the schema files referenced in the service definition last changed.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



The date and time when the service definition last changed in ISO 8601 format.


An operation to get the list of service data objects defined on this service.

Life Cycle Status: Active

Request Payload

Response Payload

Element Name Type Description



A list of service data objects defined on this service. For each service data object, the result includes the QName, internal name, and boolean values indicating whether create, update, merge, and The Delete operations can be performed on the object.


The following tables list the privileges required to perform the service operations, and the duty roles that each privilege is granted to.

Service Operations to Privileges Mapping

Operation Name Privilege Code Privilege Name Privilege Description



Manage Trading Community Resource Team

Allows the specification of groups of resources that work together, usually across organization hierarchy boundaries. For example, define marketing teams for campaigns. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource team.



Manage Trading Community Resource Team

Allows the specification of groups of resources that work together, usually across organization hierarchy boundaries. For example, define marketing teams for campaigns. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource team.



Manage Trading Community Resource Team

Allows the specification of groups of resources that work together, usually across organization hierarchy boundaries. For example, define marketing teams for campaigns. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource team.



Manage Trading Community Resource Team

Allows the specification of groups of resources that work together, usually across organization hierarchy boundaries. For example, define marketing teams for campaigns. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource team.



Manage Trading Community Resource Team

Allows the specification of groups of resources that work together, usually across organization hierarchy boundaries. For example, define marketing teams for campaigns. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource team.



Manage Trading Community Resource Team

Allows the specification of groups of resources that work together, usually across organization hierarchy boundaries. For example, define marketing teams for campaigns. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource team.



Manage Trading Community Resource Team

Allows the specification of groups of resources that work together, usually across organization hierarchy boundaries. For example, define marketing teams for campaigns. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource team.



Manage Trading Community Resource Team

Allows the specification of groups of resources that work together, usually across organization hierarchy boundaries. For example, define marketing teams for campaigns. If assigning, also assign the ability to view the trading community resource team.

Privileges to Duty Roles Mapping

Privilege Code Granted to Duty Role Code Granted to Duty Role Name Granted To Duty Role Description



Resource Team Administration

Defines resource teams.