Define Rules for Incentive Compensation Abstract Roles

You can define rules to assign the Incentive Compensation Participant and Incentive Compensation Participant Manager abstract roles to salespeople. You can either create new provisioning rules or modify the existing rules. In this procedure, you modify the existing rule.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Users and Security

    • Task: Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules

  2. In the Manage Role Mappings page search area, select the Salesperson resource role and click Search.

  3. You see two Sales Representative mapping names, and you modify both. Click one of them.

  4. In the Conditions region, you see the resource role is Salesperson.

  5. In the Associated Roles region, the associated roles include Resource and Sales Representative. If these are also correct for your participant role, then click Add.

  6. Search for and select the Incentive Compensation Participant abstract role.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Select whether you want to autoprovision the roles or have them be requested.

  9. Save.

To map the Incentive Compensation Participant Manager role:

  1. Search for Sales Manager in the Resource Role field.

  2. Choose the Sales Manager role. It has the Sales Manager and Resource associated roles.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Search for and select the Incentive Compensation Participant Manager abstract role.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Save and close.