Role Provisioning Options

Job and abstract roles are assigned to users by defining a relationship, called a mapping or provisioning rule, between the role and some conditions. Users who satisfy the rule conditions are eligible to acquire the roles specified in the rule.

Predefined provisioning rules are provided with the application but you can also create new rules using the Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. This topic describes role mapping options for automatic and manual role provisioning.

Note: All role provisioning generates requests to provision roles. Only when those requests are processed successfully is role provisioning complete.

Automatic Provisioning of Roles to Users

Role provisioning occurs automatically if:

  • The user meets the conditions defined in the rule.

  • You select the Autoprovision option for the role specified in the rule.

For example, to create a role provisioning rule that automatically provisions the Resource abstract role and the Sales Manager job role to users assigned a resource role, Digital Sales Manager, that you previously created, perform these steps:

  1. Specify these conditions for the rule.



    Resource Role

    Digital Sales Manager

    HR Assignment Status


  2. Specify the Resource abstract role and the Sales Manager job role for the provisioning rule, and select the Autoprovision option for each.

Users who match the conditions acquire the roles automatically when you either create or update the resource role or HR assignment status values for a user. The provisioning process also removes automatically provisioned roles from users who no longer satisfy the role-mapping conditions.

Manual Provisioning of Roles to Users

Users, such as sales managers or administrators, can provision roles manually to other users if:

  • The user meets the conditions defined in the rule.

  • You select the Requestable option for the role in the provisioning rule.

Users can also request a role when managing their own accounts if:

  • The user meets the conditions defined in the rule.

  • You select the Self-requestable option for the role in the provisioning rule.

For example, to create a role provisioning rule to assign roles to each active employee who has been assigned a resource role, Sales Operations Manager, that you previously created, perform these steps.

  1. Specify these conditions for the rule.



    Resource Role

    Sales Operations Manager

    HR Assignment Status


  2. Specify these roles for the rule.





    Sales Administrator


    Customer Data Steward


    Sales Representative


In this example, when you assign the Sales Operations Manager resource role to a user, the user:

  • Is automatically provisioned with the Resource and Sales Administrator roles when you click the Autoprovision Roles option on the Create User or Edit User page

  • Can grant the Customer Data Steward role to other users

  • Can request the Sales Representative job role

Users keep manually provisioned roles until the user is terminated or the role is deprovisioned manually.

Role-Provisioning Rule Names

Use unique names for your provisioning rules and devise a naming scheme that shows the scope of each role mapping. For example, a provisioning rule named CEO Autoprovisioned Roles could include all roles provisioned automatically to resources assigned the CEO resource role.