Set Up Charges Posting

In this section, you'll learn how to set up rules to post charges in Service Logistics.

Following are the setups to automatically post charges.

Opt in for the Automatically Post Charges Feature

  1. Click the Navigator then select the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. In the Setup page, select the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management offering.

  3. From the list of functional areas, select Service Logistics.

  4. Click the Actions drop-down button, and then click Change Feature Selection.

  5. Enable the Automatically Post Charges feature.

Define the Automatic Processing Rules

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Auto Processing Rule task:

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Service Logistics

    • Task: Manage Auto Processing Rule

  2. The Manage Auto Processing Rules for Charges page contains the following regions:

    • Rules search criteria

    • Rule names results table

    • Qualifiers

    • Conditions

  3. To create a new rule, click the Add rule (+) icon in the Search Results table.

  4. Enter the rule name and description.

  5. Notice that the value of the Enabled field is set to Yes by default.

  6. Define the qualifiers and conditions for the rule. There are predefined qualifiers and conditions that you can use.

    • Qualifiers: Customer, Business Unit, Technician, Document Type, Work Order Type, Service Request Category

    • Conditions: Labor Hours, Expense Amount, Charge Line Amount, Total Charge Amount, Actual Over Estimates %

  7. After you've defined the qualifiers and conditions, click Save.

  8. Note the following:

    • The rule name should be unique.

    • It isn't required to specify a qualifier. When a specific attribute isn't assigned to a qualifier, the rule applies for all the business qualifiers.

    • The same qualifier (for example, Business Unit) can be selected multiple times in a rule (in different lines) to assign the rule to multiple values of the same qualifier (for example, rule R1 can be assigned to three Business Units BU1,BU2 and BU3).

    • The same qualifier and qualifier value should not be entered again.

    • At least one condition is required for a rule to be saved.

    • Either the lower limit or upper limit is required for a condition line to be saved successfully.

After you've set up the rules, you can view, edit, and update these rules in the Manage Auto Processing Rules for Charges page.

  • You can update the existing qualifiers and conditions of a rule.

  • You can add new qualifiers and conditions to the rule.

  • You can delete existing qualifiers and conditions. You must retain at least one condition to retain the rule itself.

  • To suspend the rule, select No in the Enabled field.

  • To delete a rule, select the rule at the rule header region and click the Delete button in the results table.