Create Part Requirements

Use the Create Part Requirements page to order service parts to:

  • Sell parts to customers.
  • Exchange parts.
  • Create a return material authorization.
  • Order field service parts.
  • Order parts for a third-party work order.

When you sell a part to a customer, you create a sales order. For all other item requirements, you create transfer orders, such as for field service or warehouse and technician stock replenishment.

What happens when a transfer order is created?

  • The transfer order creation to fulfillment process is carried through web services provided by Supply Chain Orchestration cloud.

  • Technicians receive the parts into their trunk stock and report the usage details when they create the field service debrief.

  • Field service administrators review the labor, parts, and other expenses and post the final charges based on which customer invoice is generated for billing.

How is the sales order fulfilled?

  • Service Logistics integrates with Order Management to drive parts shipping, receiving and billing.

    When the parts are shipped, an invoice is generated for the customer. The bill-to account and address and shipping address must be set up for the customer for order fulfillment.

  • The cost of the item comes from Pricing. The amount charged to the customer is the sum of the shipping charges and the cost of the selected item. The final price includes all service contract discounts.

How do you view the order details?

When you create the sales order or transfer order, the order number appears in the corresponding part requirement line. Click the order number link to open the Order Details window and view the transfer order or sales order details. When the sales order contains multiple shipments, each shipment line appears in a separate row in the Order Details window.

Parts Only Service: You can order parts for service requests (Fusion Service and third party) when a customer can replace the defective part and a field service technician isn't required to visit the customer premises. You can use the same service request to capture the details of the defective part that's returned by the customer. A sales order is created to ship the required parts directly to the customer address.

There are two predefined businesses processes used for service activities that drive parts only service:

  • Customer Support: Use service activities set up against this business process for simple parts sales and returns. The order and return lines are created separately.

  • Parts Exchange: Use service activities set up against this business process for parts exchange. So when the user creates an order to return a defective or broken part, they can also create the corresponding shipment order line. This business process links the return and shipment lines so that Installed Base and subscription contracts can be updated when the broken product or part is received and when the repair or replacement is shipped.

Field Service: If you're a field service administrator, you can source and order parts required to complete a work order. You can order parts for the following types of work orders:

  • Generic Work Orders: Used when there's no integration with any automated field service scheduling application or offline mobile field service to manage field service activities. Customers will enter the Resolution Due and Requested dates manually. They will also enter the Work Order Area manually instead of it being decided by an integration between Fusion Service and Field Service.

  • Oracle Field Service Cloud Work Orders: Used when an integration exists between Fusion Service with Field Service to sync service work orders with activities in Field Service. When the work order is created in Fusion Service, it triggers the creation of a field service activity. The work order life cycle is managed using this integration.

  • Standalone Work Orders: Used for work orders that aren't associated with a service request, such as, work orders created for simple installations or preventive maintenance.

  • Third-party Work Order: Used for work orders from a legacy application.

If you're a field service technician, you can order parts for service work orders and third-party work orders that are assigned to you and order parts to replenish your trunk stock. Some field service technicians might only have access to create part requirements for certain field stocking locations but not start the sales or transfer order for those part requirements. These part requirements must first be approved by the field service administrator or parts coordinator. Field service technicians in this scenario don't have the Allow Part Orders privilege assigned to them.

Service Logistics provides one predefined business process to drive field service.

Field Service Stock Replenishment: As a field service administrator, you can order parts to replenish all types of stocking locations including the technicians' trunk stock.

Create Part Requirements Page

Let's look at the table that follows to understand the fields in the header region of the Create Part Requirements page.

Create Part Requirements Page - Header Field Descriptions



Document Type

Indicates what we're requesting parts for, such as a service request, work order or for replenishing a stocking location. Values are derived from the lookup code ORA_RCL_SOURCE_DOC_TYPE. Service Logistics has the following predefined document types:

  • Service Request

  • Service Work Order

  • Replenish Trunk Stock

  • Replenish Warehouse

To order parts for third-party work orders such as from a legacy application, your system administrator must set it up as a document type using the Service Logistics lookup ORA_RCL_SOURCE_DOC_TYPE.

The Service Work Order document type is used for generic work orders, Oracle Field Service Cloud work orders, and standalone work orders.

The rest of the fields in the header are disabled or enabled and required or optional based on the document type selected. The document types Service Request and Replenish Warehouse aren't available to field service technicians.

Document Number

Numeric identifier for the service request or work order for which you're creating the part requirement.

  • For a service request created in Fusion Service, you must select from the list of values that shows all the SRs (with a customer party) for which a part requirement line hasn't been created and where the SR status type isn't Closed or Resolved.

  • For work orders created in Fusion Service, select from the list of values that shows all the non-canceled work orders for which a part requirement line hasn't been created. The work order must have an associated service request with a customer party. The list of values also includes the standalone work orders.

  • For a third-party or customer defined document type, you manually enter the document number in an editable text field.

  • This field is disabled for the parts replenishment document types.

Field service technicians will only see the work orders assigned to them in the Document Number list of values. Note that other fields in the header region are automatically populated with details derived from the document number selected. When the document type is a work order, the values default from the work order.

Ship-to Address Type

Drop-down list shows the following values:

  • Customer when the document type is Service Request or Service Work Order.

  • Customer , Technician, and Warehouse when the document type is Service Work Order.

  • Technician when document type is Replenish Trunk Stock.

  • Warehouse when document type is Replenish Warehouse.

  • No default value for customer defined document types.


Customer for whom the order is created. Value is required when the ship-to address type is Customer. It defaults from the service request selected. For service work orders, it defaults from the work order.

When document type is customer defined, user can select from the list of values available.


Required when document type is Replenish Technician Trunk Stock. List of values includes TCA Party Names where:

  • the Party_Type is equal to Person,

  • Usage Code is equal to Field Service Technician, and;

  • party has a TCA address.

When the document type is Service Work Order and the work order has a technician assigned, the technician name defaults in this field.

The technician name also defaults when the user accessing the page is a field service technician.

Business Unit

Unit in which the order is requested. For service requests and work orders coming from Fusion Service, the value is derived from the service request or work order selected. For customer defined document types and for the Replenish Warehouse document type, users can select from the available list of values.

When technician details are entered for certain document types, the business unit is derived from the destination organization details of the technician's default usable subinventory.

Ship-to Address

Field can be edited only when the Ship-to Address Type is Customer, Technician, or Warehouse. If the address type is Customer, LOV displays all the ship-to party site addresses for the selected customer party. If the address type is Technician, LOV displays the ship-to party site addresses of the technician selected. When the address type is Warehouse, the Ship-to Address field is disabled and the default warehouse's address is displayed.

Ship-to Customer

LOV used to select a different customer than the one entered for the document type. This is an optional field used to ship parts to a customer address that's different from the service request.

When parts requirements are created in Service Logistics, this field appears in the header for the following document types:

  • Service Request
  • Service Work Order, with the ship-to address type, Customer
  • Third-party Work Order, with the ship-to address type, Customer
Note: When you select a different customer, the Ship-to Address field defaults to the ship-to customer’s address.

Need By

Date by which the parts are required. For service requests and work orders coming from Fusion Service, the default date is derived from the service request or work order selected.

Destination Organization

List of values includes all organizations modeled as inventory organizations and with at least one subinventory set up in the Manage Stocking Locations page.

The destination organization list of values for the field service technician is restricted to the organizations that the technician has stocking locations assigned.

The default destination organization for warehouse is the inventory organization assigned to the work order’s work area.

Destination Subinventory

Subinventories set up in the selected destination organization and set up in the Service Logistics Manage Stocking Locations page.

Bill-to Customer The default service request customer party. This field is enabled when the document type is from a third party object or when you select a service request as document number.
Bill-to Account

The default account from the bill-to customer, if there's only one account. If there's more than one account, then select an account from the LOV.

Bill-to Address The default address from the bill-to account's primary bill-to address.
Purchase Order The purchase order from the Debrief header or part requirement.