Add New Companies and Contacts to Other Applications

To add new companies or contact to other Oracle Cloud applications (such as Business Intelligence Cloud Service), perform the following tasks:

Search for Data in DaaS

The first step to finding data is to search DaaS. Click search icon Search.

Export Data from DaaS

When you export company data from DaaS into an application for the first time, you create a mapping between the attributes in the export file that you create and those in the application.

To create mappings and then export those mappings to a file for later import:

  1. From your search results, click Select Companies to Export.

    • Choose Export All for everything listed in the Results section.

    • Choose Export Selected for selected items in the Results section.

  2. In the Export dialog, complete the fields using the descriptions in the following table.




    Consider a name that matches the name of the company or contacts that you are targeting, company _company_export and company _contact_export.

    If you don't specify a name, then DAAS_COMPANY_EXPORT_ year _ month _ day _ time is applied to a company mapping and DAAS_CONTACT_EXPORT _ year _ month _ day _ time is applied to a contact mapping.


    Optionally, enter a description for the export mapping file.


    Select a mapping from the list. You can select CompanyExport for most company export jobs or ContactExport for most contact export jobs. Skip to Step 6 to continue with the procedure.

    Click a mapping to edit it, or if you prefer to create a new mapping, then click Create Mapping. From the Template Type list, select Generic. You then can choose a file to import for the mapping.

    The Create Mapping page displays with the attributes discovered in your search with DaaS. When you select Generic template type, the Create Mapping page only lists the discovered attributes in DaaS. You must later map the attributes.

  3. Use the following elements to complete the mapping:




    Enter a unique name for your export mapping file.

    delete icon

    Click this icon to remove any attributes whose values you don't want.

    Add Attribute

    Add any attributes that you use in your application. Or, add an attribute mapping that you accidentally removed but that you still want added. For each drop-down list displayed, select the attribute or object.

  4. Click Save & Select. The Select Mapping dialog displays.

  5. From the Mapping list, select the mapping you just created, and click Download to save the file to your local drive.

  6. When prompted, save the file.

  7. View the contents of the file to see the number of records.

Import DaaS Data into Your Application

Using your application utilities, import the file into the application. See your application-specific documentation for details.