Analyze Rejected Match Export Jobs

A match export job is rejected if a record in the CSV or TXT input file is missing a required field. In other words, if you delete a mandatory attribute when you create or update a mapping, then your match job will be rejected. You’ll get an error saying column headers mapped to mandatory attributes are missing from the input file. (These attributes aren’t required for creating Search Export mappings.)


See About Matching Records.
Note: As an exception, you can upload an input file with a single column header titled DUNS Number, and mandatory attributes are ignored. As long as the DUNS numbers are valid, the service enriches the records just based on DUNS numbers.

Rejected Matches with Oracle CX Sales

  • A company record is rejected for matching if the DaaS Id field is invalid or if any of the following fields is missing:
    • PartyId (for example, CRM ID)

    • Name

    • City

    • Country

    Note: When DaaS matches a record, it creates an internal attribute called Daas ID. If a record doesn’t have this DaaS ID attribute, that means the record hasn’t been matched before. If the Country field isn’t provided in the input record, then US is set internally as the default country code: the job is not rejected.
  • A contact record is rejected if the Parent DaaS Id field is invalid or if any of the following fields is missing:

    • PartyId (for example, CRM ID)

    • Last Name

    • First Name

    • Parent Company Name

    • Parent DaaS Id

  • Both company and contact records are rejected if DaaS is unable to make a match because the External Id field is missing from the input file.

See Create Mappings for CX Sales and Understand Record-Level Export Failures.

Rejected Matches with Oracle Eloqua Marketing Cloud

  • A company record is rejected if any of the following fields is missing:
    • Eloqua Company Id

    • City

    • Company Name

  • A contact record is rejected if any of the following fields is missing:
    • Eloqua Contact Id

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    Here is an example for a missing value in column Eloqua Contact Id, which is mapped to DaaS External Id:

    - ExternalID,DaasID,Status,ErrorStatement,RecordSequence -1,,REJECTED,DCS-10002:Record is rejected for matching. External ID is missing in the record.,1

See Create Mappings for Eloqua Marketing Cloud.