Edit Sales Mappings

The Sales mappings contain the full list of company and contact attributes we export. However, DaaS provides some attributes that don't have a corresponding map to an attribute in Sales. Follow these steps to edit your mapping (that is, to

  1. Either identify the Sales attribute and object that should be mapped to the DaaS attribute and object, or create a custom attribute in Application Composer and add the custom attribute to the Account or Contact profile page. See Sales documentation for information on creating custom attributes.

  2. Map the DaaS attribute (shown as "not mapped" in the following table) to the attribute identified or created in step 1 in DaaS.

  3. Map that DaaS attribute to the attribute identified or created in step 1 in Sales.

DaaS provides the Sales and Service template type, as well as the following mappings:

  • CXCompanyExport

  • CXContactExport

  • CXCompanyMatch

  • CXContactMatch

Mappings created with the Sales and Service template type create a ZIP file, which contains the individual CSV files for import. Download and extract the ZIP file to a local folder, and then import each CSV file. The Account.csv file (the parent file) must be imported first, before the child files. See the section DaaS Files for Import Management in Sales in About Mappings.