FAQ — Exports and Jobs

The user interface shows all data: You browse and search against the entire data set. However, when you try to export (download) or match a record, the service verifies the type of subscription you purchased. If you purchased a subscription

Can I download contact records with an Oracle Account Enrichment subscription?

The user interface shows all data: You browse and search against the entire data set. However, when you try to export (download) or match a record, the service verifies the type of subscription you purchased. If you purchased a subscription for Oracle Account Enrichment, then only company records are downloaded.

Is there a record limit on exports?

The maximum number of records you can export on a single request is 100,000. You can export more records by submitting another export request.

Is the data in my export file corrupted?

The data is not corrupted. Some Dun & Bradstreet attributes have an alphanumeric code value. DaaS renders the corresponding descriptions of these codes in our interface.

For example, Location Type may appear in DaaS with a value of Single Location, Headquarters, or Branch. However, these descriptions are not included in the output files. In search export or match export files, these Location Type values appear as 0, 1, or 2.

Another example is the attribute Minority Classification, which has the following code values:

  • Blank – not available / not applicable

  • ASN – Asian American

  • BLK – African American

  • HSP – Hispanic American

  • IND – Indian Subcontinent American

  • NAT – Native American

  • OTH - Other

The descriptions associated with these codes are not written to the output files. Instead, the actual alphanumeric codes are in the export files.

Why do some attributes in the export file have no value?

Either the data provider does not have data for those attributes, or you purchased a subscription that doesn’t include that attribute. (The output file contains all attributes, independent of subscription.)

How do I stop a job in "Running" mode?

You cannot stop a job after it has been submitted.