FAQ — Enriching Records

First match the account (company) records associated with the contacts and then import the matched records into CX Sales. During the match process, Oracle Account Enrichment adds an identifier to each company record indicating that it has been matched.

How do I update CX Sales contacts?

  1. From CX Sales, export accounts.

  2. Match accounts using Oracle Account Enrichment.

  3. Import accounts into CX Sales.

Next, from CX Sales, export the contacts for the accounts that you want to update. The contacts that belong to accounts that have already been matched will have a unique identifier. Match the contacts using Oracle Contact Enrichment, and import the matched contact file to CX Sales.

  1. From CX Sales, export contacts.

  2. Match contacts using Oracle Contact Enrichment.

  3. Import contacts into CX Sales.

See Match Data in CX Sales.

How come when I enrich a record from CX Sales in real time, it says there is no matching record, but in DaaS I can search and find that same record?

DaaS has the filters Enterprise Companies and Companies in Business enabled by default. These filters apply to search and match for both batch match in DaaS and real-time enrichment from other applications (such as CX Sales or Eloqua Marketing Cloud). If you’re not seeing matches for records you expect to see, go to Admin settings and deselect the Enterprise Companies filter. See Set Admin Defaults.

How do I configure service association with CX Sales?

Oracle CX Sales and DaaS (Oracle Account Enrichment and Oracle Contact Enrichment) have different subscriptions. The account administrator for CX Sales needs to associate the two services, so CX Sales knows which DaaS subscription to access. See Integrate with Oracle CX Sales or B2B Service.

Is there a limit on the number of records I can submit to match?

The maximum number of records you can match is based on the number of records in your input file multiplied by the limit value. The total value can't exceed 250,000 records. If the total value exceeds the limit, then reduce the records in the input file or decrease the match export limit value.

You are not charged to re-enrich the same record. Suppose you match and enrich 10,000 leads in a marketing campaign. You can re-enrich these same 10,000 contacts for 365 days as part of your subscription.

What is Match Limit — or, what if a match returns multiple records?

For real-time matches, and for all company matches, DaaS returns the one best match. For batch matches, and for contact matches, you can configure the Match Limit setting (on the Match page) to return more than one record when it finds multiple matches. The default value for Match Limit is 1.

For example, say you have 10,000 records in your input file, and you have changed the Match Limit setting from 1 to 10. Imagine DaaS finds multiple matches (over 10 matches) for “John Doe”. It returns the best 10 records for John Doe. Also imagine it finds multiple matches for each of the 10,000 records in the file. Then, 10,000 records times 10 matches for each record = 100,000 records in the batch output file, and you are charged for 100,000 records from your subscription quota.

If you set Match Limit to a number greater than 1, then to avoid errors with the import, you should review the file and save only the 1 file you want before import.

Is the state required for matching companies?

The D&B match service has slightly different requirements for real-time and batch processing. (The service switches from real-time processing to batch processing for match jobs with more than five records.) For example, real-time matching only requires the company name and country attributes. Batch processing requires company name, country, and state attributes: you get an error with batch processing if you do not include the state.

Why did my match fail with duplicate external IDs?

Document editors like Microsoft Excel may change the formatting or the values in an enriched text file generated by DaaS, so it renders incorrectly. Do not open an enriched text file with a different document editor, and do not reformat the file. To open it in an editor like Excel, first right-click the file and save it as .csv or .xls.