FAQ — Subscriptions

Frequently-asked questions about DaaS subscriptions.

For an overview of DaaS subscriptions, see Understand DaaS Subscriptions.

How do I get another Welcome email?

After your subscription is activated, you receive a Welcome to Oracle Cloud email that lists the service URL. If you can’t find this email, you can resend it from the Oracle Cloud Console.

Can I change my subscription?

The following subscription plans are offered:

  • Oracle Account Enrichment (yearly)

  • Oracle Contact Enrichment (yearly)

You can renew your subscription, and you can add to your subscription’s existing pool of records. For example, suppose you purchased 100 account records. Later, you add can more records to your subscription. See How to Modify DaaS Subscriptions.

How do I unlock my account?

If you're unable to access DaaS and are getting emails that you account is locked and then unlocked, see this note on Oracle Support.

Can I use this with any application?

Oracle Account and Contact Enrichment by D&B is licensed for use with Oracle Cloud Applications subscriptions. It is integrated with Sales, Fusion Service, and Eloqua. You can use our APIs to integrate with other Oracle Applications.

How many records can I purchase?

The minimum number of records that can be purchased is 2,000 records in total (companies and contacts).

The maximum number of records that can be purchased is 5 million records in total (company and contacts).

How are records counted?

When you export or match (enrich) a record, the record is given a unique ID. This DAAS ID attribute appears on the output file. As soon as a record has a DAAS ID, the record counts toward your subscription limit.

Records must be used before the subscription period ends: they do not rollover with renewals or other changes to the service.

Is the same record counted multiple times toward my subscription limit?

A record that is re-processed during an active subscription period does not count against your subscription limit. For example, when you match and download record ABC in January, record ABC counts toward your annual subscription limit. When you re-match and download the same record ABC in February, it does not count toward your subscription limit. In other words, you can export or match a record as many times as you want for 365 days from the date you first performed an export or match on the record, without having to pay again for the record. After 365 days, any new export or match of that record is counted toward your new subscription limit.
Note: This works differently for Address, Email, and Phone Verification subscriptions. Every time you submit a verification request, the service subtracts one record from your subscription limit, even if the record had been previously verified.

What happens if I download records by mistake?

All downloaded records count toward your subscription limit. You cannot get credit back for records you download accidentally.

What happens if I export more records than I have available?

If you export more records than remain in your available quota, then only the available records are exported. When your quota is reached, the export process stops. For example, if you have 100 company records left, and you export 200 company records, then the export process shows as completed with the a message in the job details that the quota limit has been reached for company records.

How do I make sure I don’t go over my available records?

On the Business Metrics page, you can see the number of records that have been downloaded for export and the number of records available based on your subscription plan.

Will I be notified about my subscription quota or end date?

Quota: Upon reaching 80% and 90% of your quota, Oracle sends a reminder email that your subscription is running out of quota. When you reach 100% of your quota, you can no longer enrich or verify data.

End Date: 60 days and 30 days prior to your subscription end date, Oracle sends a termination notice. Post termination, the service will be active and available for 60 days only. After 60 days, the service will no longer be accessible, unless the service is renewed.

Contact your Oracle Account Manager to submit a renewal request or an order to add more records to your service.

What happens to my data when my subscription expires?

When your subscription ends, the records you purchased (downloaded) are still owned by you. In the purchase order, you agreed to delete D&B licensed material; however, Oracle doesn't delete anything after the subscription ends.