Understand DaaS Subscriptions

Oracle Account Enrichment subscriptions let you search, match, and export Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) company records, and Oracle Contact Enrichment subscriptions let you search, match, and export D&B contact records.

The following subscriptions are licensed for use with Oracle Cloud Applications subscriptions:

  • Oracle Account Enrichment Cloud Service, for company records

  • Oracle Contact Enrichment Cloud Service, for contact records

These yearly subscriptions provide a long-term use of the data that’s updated monthly from D&B. The subscription terminates at the end of a year, when you can renew it or order another subscription.

Active subscriptions can be expanded (that is, new parts can be added) if you cannot wait until the end of your subscription period to make the change. The start date and end date apply to the entire subscription; that is, there is one start date and one end date for a subscription, and the end date applies to all parts in the subscription regardless of when a part was added. On termination, the entire subscription is destroyed. After orders process, Oracle Cloud sends a notification email to activate the service.

DaaS Subscription Yearly

Subscription period

365 days

Term period

No limit

Record license period

365 days

Maximum no of concurrent orders 

No limit

Maximum number of orders for a customer per year 

No limit

Company records minimum-maximum

1000-5 million

Contact records minimum-maximum

1000-5 million

Per-subscription Address Verification records

1000-5 million (no limitation, user can specify any positive number)

Unlimited Address Verification records

No limit

For more information on subscriptions, see FAQ — Subscriptions.

Update Your Subscription

You can expand or renew your subscription by contacting Oracle Sales. You will get an activation email titled: Your service has been updated. Then follow these steps:

  • On the Cloud Console Dashboard, select your active Data service.

  • On the Overview page, click the Action Menu to then click Modify.

  • On the Modify page, leave all default values, and click the Modify button.

  • Click Modify again to confirm that you want to update this instance.

  • You get an activation email titled: Your service instance has been updated.