Match Data in Other Oracle Cloud Applications

This section describes the tasks for matching company or contact records in other Oracle Cloud applications (such as Business Intelligence Cloud Service).


More Information

1. Export the application records that require matching into a file. Use the export map that specifies which attributes you're exporting, and specify the filter criteria that the application uses to select the records for export job.

Export Data for Matching

2. Match your data. Compare the file from your application with the records in DaaS to see if there is a record match. For records that match, DaaS replaces the matched record in the file with its records.

Find Matching Records in DaaS

3. Import the file into your application.

Import Matched Data into Other Oracle Cloud Applications

Export Data for Matching

Using your application utilities, export the data from your application to a file. See your application-specific documentation for details.
Note: DaaS administrators can change the default export file format from plain text to Excel. See Set Admin Defaults.

Find Matching Records in DaaS

Compare the file from your application with the records in DaaS to see if there is a record match. For records that match, DaaS replaces the matched record in the file with its records. After the match process completes, export the matched data from DaaS to a file for export back into your application.

To search and export company information:

  1. In DaaS, navigate to the Match and Export page.

  2. Use the following elements to specify how you want the match export job done:



    Job Name

    Enter a unique name for the match export job. (This field is optional. If you don't enter a job name, the service automatically generates one for you.)

    Job Description

    Enter a description for the match export job. (This field is optional.)


    Select Company or Contact to narrow the match export job that you want to perform.


    Click Browse to locate the export file that you downloaded from your application in Export Data for Matching.

    Match Confidence

    This value specifies the accuracy threshold of the matching process. Select a value between 1 and 100, where 100 represents a match confidence of 100 percent. The default is 70.

    Note: The Match Score attribute returns the match confidence setting. Because Dun & Bradstreet scores in the range of 1–10 (instead of 1–100), this attribute transmits the D&B raw match score in the range of 1-10 in match results. For example, if you set the Match Confidence field to 50 here, then the Match Score attribute returns a value of 5 in the output file.

    Match Limit

    Specify the maximum number of records to return. The default is 1.

    Note that if you set this to a number greater than 1, then you could get multiple records in your file. To avoid errors importing into your application, you should review the file and save only the 1 file you want before import.


    Select an existing mapping for the export.

    Or, click View Mapping, then Create Mapping to create a new mapping with the Generic template type. Click Save & Select to use your edited or new mapping.

    Filters Select to filter companies, based on internal Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) definitions.

    In Business: Select to include companies of all sizes and revenues that are currently operating.

    • Enterprise: Select to match companies with over 100 employees OR revenues over 100 million US$.

    • Medium: Select to match companies with between 50 and 100 employees OR revenues between 10 and 100 million US$.

    • Small: Select to match companies with less than 50 employees OR revenues less than 10 million US$.

    Marketable Indicator: Select to include companies of all sizes and revenues that are currently operating.

    • Out of Business: Select to match companies that are not operating or inactive.

    • Delisted: Select to display companies that should not be contacted for direct marketing per General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you select this filter, then companies and contacts that have indicated that they do not want to be contacted will appear in search results, and if those records marked Delisted are selected, they will be matched, synced, or exported. Companies and contacts marked as Delisted should not be included in marketing campaigns. It's important to note that company hierarchies contain Delisted records, regardless of this setting, to ensure that the hierarchy does not break.

    • Defunct: Select to match companies whose original company DUNS number is no longer tracked by D&B. When you search for some defunct companies (for example, a company that was acquired), the service returns the defunct company record along with the new DUNS number. The value in the New DUNS attribute is the DUNS number of the new legal entity after a merger or the DUNS number of the acquired company after an acquisition. D&B also defines a DUNS number as “defunct” in other scenarios, such as when it is a duplicate DUNS number of another record, or when a branch report becomes a separate entity.

  3. Click Match, and you are directed to the Jobs page to view the job status.

  4. When the job completes, click the number on Match Exports to review the matched data file. See Viewing the Status of Match Export Jobs and Analyzing the Log File for Failed or Rejected Records.

Import Matched Data into Other Oracle Cloud Applications

Using your application utilities, import the file from DaaS back into your application. See your application-specific documentation for details.