View the Status of Search Export Jobs

To view search export jobs:

  1. From the Jobs page, select to show All Search Exports.
  2. To further filter the job results, use Sort Ascending and Sort Descending in the columns. For example, if you use Sort Ascending and Sort Descending in both the Type and Data columns, then you can sort jobs based on company or contact data, as well as search export and match export jobs.
  3. Find the jobs that interest you from the table:




    View the names of the files associated with the jobs.


    Track whether the jobs are for companies or contacts.


    Determine whether or not the job was a search export or a match export job.

    Job ID

    View the unique ID assigned to the jobs.

    Submitted By

    View the users who have been submitting jobs.

    Start Time and End Time

    Determine how long a job took.


    Review the status of the export: Completed, Running, or Failed.

    See the Detailed Summary section of the job for more information about the status. See Analyze Failed Export Jobs to understand the possible reasons for a failure.

    Note: As soon as a job is in Running status, it can't be stopped.


    Click to download the file associated with the job. DD

  4. Select an export job from the Exports table to view a summary of the number of records exported to a file. You can use this file to export data from DaaS into an Oracle Cloud application.
  5. Click the name of the file to download the file to your desktop.