Active Student Step 3: Receive Your Funds

Here are the details for Active Student Step 3: Receive Your Funds.

Entrance Counseling Messages

  • Entrance Counseling messages display based on notification from the FasStudentNotificationInformationRequest/Reply event message. The student may have multiple Entrance Counseling notifications based on loan types: Subsidized and Unsubsidized Entrance Counseling and Grad PLUS Entrance Counseling.

  • When SFP creates an Entrance Counseling notification, a message is displayed in this form: “Complete (Fund Type) Entrance Counseling”. The message is a hyperlink to the Federal Student Aid website. If the SFP Entrance Counseling notification is Open, the message displays a Pending status. If the notification is Closed, the message displays a Completed status. If there are no Entrance Counseling notifications for the student, no message is displayed.

  • Once the Entrance Counseling requirement is met, it is applicable across Award Years.

Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment Messages

  • Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment, formerly known as Informed Borrower, notifications display based on open notifications from the FasStudentNotificationInformationRequest/Reply event message. The student may have multiple notifications based on the type of borrowers:
    • Subsidized, Unsubsidized, or Grad PLUS Informed Borrower Acknowledgment Required; sent for a student borrower.

    • PLUS Informed Borrower Acknowledgment Required; sent for a parent borrower.

  • When an Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment notification is created, a message is displayed in this form: “Complete your (Borrower Type) Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment.” The message is a hyperlink to a U.S. Department of Education website for completion of the acknowledgment.

  • If the notification is Open, the message displays a Pending status. If the notification is Closed, it displays a Completed status. The notification displayed is associated with the appropriate Academic Year. If there are no Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment notifications for the student, the message isn’t displayed.

Master Promissory Note (MPN) Messages

  • MPN notifications display based on open notifications from the FasStudentNotificationInformationRequest/Reply event message. The student may have multiple MPN notifications based on the counseling types:

    • Subsidized and Unsubsidized MPN.

    • PLUS MPN.

    • Graduate PLUS MPN.

  • When SFP creates a MPN notification, a message is displayed in this form: “Sign Your (Fund Type) Loan MPN.” The message is displayed as a hyperlink to the Federal Student Aid website.

  • If the SFP MPN notification is Open, the message displays a Pending status. If the notification is Closed, the message displays a Completed status. The notification displayed is associated with the appropriate Academic Year. If there are no MPN notifications for the student, the message isn’t displayed.

PLUS Application Messages

  • PLUS Application Messages display based on notifications from the FasStudentNotificationInformationRequest/Reply event message. The student may have multiple PLUS Application notifications based on the counseling types:

    • PLUS MPN.

    • Graduate PLUS MPN.

  • When SFP creates a PLUS Application notification, a message is displayed in this form: “Complete (Fund Type) Application”. The message is displayed as a hyperlink to the Federal Student Aid website.

  • If the SFP PLUS Application notification is Open, the message displays a Pending status. If the SFP PLUS Application notification is Closed, the message displays a Completed status. The notification is by Award Year and displayed for all Academic Years that span the Award Year. If there are no PLUS Application notification for the student, the message isn’t displayed.

TEACH Messages

  • TEACH messages display based on notifications for the student from the FasStudentNotificationInformationRequest/Reply event message. The student may have multiple TEACH notifications related to TEACH Grant Counseling or the Agreement to Serve (ATS). The message is displayed as a hyperlink to the Federal Student Aid website.

  • When SFP creates a TEACH Grant Counseling notification, a message displays for the specific Award Year in this form: “Complete CCYY-CCYY TEACH (Grant Counseling or ATS).” If the TEACH notification is Open, the message displays Pending status. If the TEACH notification is Closed, the message displays a Completed status. TEACH notifications are populated by Award Year and are displayed for all Academic Years that span the Award Year. If there is no TEACH notification for the student, it won't be displayed.

Late Disbursement Messages

  • Late Disbursement notifications are based on the FasDisbursementInformationRequest/Reply message.

  • When a student completes an academic year, but their funds did not disburse, the student may be eligible for a Late Disbursement. If a disbursement is flagged as a Late Disbursement, a Late Disbursement message is displayed if all related QC Holds are in a Released status. The message is displayed in this form: “Review/Accept Late Disbursement”. The message is displayed as a hyperlink to the Disbursement Acceptance Wizard.

  • If any late disbursements require acceptance and are Pending Disbursement Acceptance, the message displays with a Pending status. If late disbursements require acceptance and the student or parent has completed the Disbursement Acceptance Wizard with an Accepted, Partially Accepted, or Denied status, the message displays a Completed status. If late disbursements don't require acceptance, the message displays a Not Required status. If the student doesn't have any late disbursements that require acceptance, this message isn't displayed.

  • Late Disbursement notifications are associated with the appropriate academic year. If multiple Late Disbursements notifications, only one message is displayed. The student can complete Disbursement Acceptance for each eligible disbursement on the Financial page or use the Disbursement Acceptance Wizard.

  • If the student's enrollment status is Withdrawn or Graduated, the message displays in the Inactive view of the Home page. All other enrollment statuses display in Active view.

  • For users who have a Pending Message to "Accept/Receive PLUS Late Disbursements", the user is automatically validated by comparing the user's email address to the loan borrower's email address. If the automatic validation fails,the user can alternatively validate by entering the borrowers' last 4 digits of their SSN and Date of Birth. Also, the Borrower name and Application ID is displayed in the Financial tab so a user can distinguish between multiple PLUS loans.

    If there are PLUS Late Disbursments for a borrower, the status displays Pending until all PLUS disbursements matched to the borrower have been accepted or declined. When they have all been accepted or declined, the status displays Completed.

Note: If there are no pending actions for receiving funds, a message is displayed in this form:, “There are no pending actions required to receive your funding."