Edit A Fund Allocation

You can edit the allocation schedule and make adjustments to the fund allocation.


When you Edit a Fund Allocation you can update the initial fund amount, update the allocation period dates, redistribute funds and choose if funds will be available for disbursement.

Reallocating Funds

  • You can add allocation periods as necessary, but periods cannot overlap.
  • You can add funds to an allocation period without requiring the reduction of future periods resulting in a total that exceeds the award year allocation. However, Student Financial Planning will not allow you to save the updates until an alternate period is reduced so the total allocation for all periods is equal to or less than the award year amount.
  • Student Financial Planning does not alert you while you are making incremental adjustments to each allocation period if the updates result in an excess of the total fund allocation for the award year. However, Student Financial Planning does alert if you try to save updates and the exceeds the total fund allocation.
  • You cannot redistribute funds that would result in a remaining balance that is less than the reserved amount for that configured period. For example, if the allocation amount for a specific period is $10,000 and the reserved amount for that period is $8,000, the user can redistribute the remaining $2,000. If the user attempts to redistribute $2,001 Student Financial Planning will not allow the request to be completed.

When Making Adjustments to the Fund Allocation you can adjust the fund amount by applying credits or debits to the initial fund amount. Student Financial Planning does not allow funds in excess of the awarded aggregate amount. If applicable, you can set a deposit date and payment type for any credits to the fund allocation. As credits and debits are applied, Student Financial Planning provides notes in the student history and you can identify the source using an available drop down menu of fund sources.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Administration

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI)

Navigate to Student Financial Planning User Interface > FAS Management > Fund Allocation

Edit the initial fund amount

  1. Choose the Fund Type and associated Award Year
  2. Click the Edit button
  3. Update the Initial fund Amount
  4. Click Save

Adjust the allocation period dates

  1. Choose the Fund Type and associated Award Year
  2. Click the Edit button
  3. Click the date you want to adjust and use the calendar picker to select a new date
  4. Click Save

Make funds available for disbursement

  1. Choose the Fund Type and associated Award Year
  2. Click the Edit button
  3. Check the "Ready for Disbursement" box for the allocation period you want to make available
  4. Click Save

Create a new allocation period

  1. Choose the Fund Type and associated Award Year
  2. Click the Edit button
  3. Click the New button to add a new allocation period
  4. Confirm a new allocation period is added
    • Update as necessary
  5. Click Save

Reallocate the funds

  1. Choose the Fund Type and associated Award Year
  2. Click the Edit button
  3. Enter a new amount for each allocation period you want update
  4. Click Save

Add an adjustment

  1. Choose the Fund Type and associated Award Year
  2. Click the Edit button
  3. Click the New button for Adjustments to Fund Allocation
  4. Enter all the necessary Adjustment info:
    1. Adjustment
    3. Source Type
    4. Payment Type
    5. Deposit Date (current system date auto populates)
    6. Date of Adjustment (current system date auto populates)