Ensure TD Client is Enabled and Healthy

TD Client is the mechanism used to transfer files back and forth between a school and the U.S Department of Education (ED) Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG).

You can use this feature to universally control the transmission of files with the Central Processing System (CPS) or Common Origination and Disbursement (COD, for SPF-only). This feature applies to both Award Year-based and Non-Award Year-based file formats. You can also evaluate the status of the TD Client connection in this feature. A status of Passed or Not Passed displays based on the health check outcome. Enable and Disable TD Client
  1. Navigate to: Administration > System Management > TD Client Management.
  2. Select the TD Client Selection Indicator to toggle between Active (enabled) and Suspended (disabled).
  3. Click the Check TD Client Health link.
  4. Displays a status of Passed or Not Passed.