FAS Management

Through FAS Management an authorized user can manage fund allocations, quality control holds, and FAFSA completion periods. Explore the following features within associated child pages.

Fund Allocation Management

Note: Fund Allocation is only applicable to Student Financial Planning (SFP).

Complete the following tasks:

  • View a Fund Allocation Schedule
  • Adjust a Fund Allocation Schedule

QC Holds Management

Note: QC Holds Management is only applicable to Student Financial Planning (SFP).

Complete the following tasks:

  • Enable QC Holds
  • Disable QC Holds
  • Configure QC Hold Reasons
  • Remove QC Hold Reasons

Regulatory Management

Note: Regulatory Management is applicable to both Student Aid Eligibility (SAE) and Student Financial Planning (SFP).

Complete the following tasks:

  • Add an Award Year
  • Set FAFSA Completion Period Dates
  • Edit FAFSA Completion Period Dates