Update The Payment ID And Disbursement Date

When you update the disbursement status to Disbursed, you need to Update the Payment ID and Disbursement Date associated with the disbursement.


Student Financial Planning validates that the sequence number is equal to 1. If that requirement is met, Student Financial Planning generates a unique Payment ID (based on the defined Payment ID rules). However, you can override it.

Tips for updating the Payment ID and Disbursement Date

  • If you are using the Disbursement Administration tool to trigger a disbursement, the Disbursement Date should be added and should be equal to the current system date.
  • If you Update the Disbursement Date in Student Financial Planning to match the source system (i.e. Ledger Posting Date) and/or COD, make sure the disbursement status is Disbursed and enter the Disbursement Date that is posted to the student's ledger.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Administration
  • System Management
  • Disbursement Administrator

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI)

  1. Navigate to Administration > System Management > Disbursement Administration
  2. Update the Disbursement status
    • Update to Disbursed to reconcile with source system and/or COD
    • Update to Disbursement Ready to be sent to COD to trigger the disbursement
  3. Confirm / Update the Payment ID (Required)
  4. Use the Date Picker and choose the Disbursement Date (Required)
    • Ledger Posting Date - To reconcile with source system and/or COD
    • Current System Date (i.e. today) - to trigger the disbursement
  5. Click Save Disbursements Records
    • Confirm modifications
    • Send Originations to COD and/or Re-Originate if you need to communicate the updates to COD
  6. Review the disbursing UI to confirm changes

Additional Actions Required - Disbursement Date

After updating the Disbursement Date in the Disbursement Administration UI, you may be required to navigate to the Packaging UI and click the Repackage button.

Disbursement Date

The disbursement date is a required field and should never be NULL for disbursements that are being sent to COD or have disbursed.