View And Release QC Holds via UI

You can view and release a QC Hold at the student level on the QC Holds screen in the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI).


Visible Fields Per Process

Click the Hold Name (active link) to view additional details about each hold type on the student record.

  • QC Hold Name
  • FAS Process
  • QC Hold ID
  • Hold Date
  • Hold Status
  • Comment
  • Release Indicator (check box, to release hold)

QC Holds on the Current and Prior Enrollment

When a student Changes Programs, both the prior program and the current program may have pending QC Holds.

  • It is important to release Ready to be Canceled QC Holds on prior enrollments within same Payment Period (PP) immediately upon Change of Program.
  • If you fail to do so, it may result in COD Rejects (i.e. 039, 167: Prior Enrollment Cancellation Holds for COP within same PP need to be released before a new program can be originated)

Suggested Order to Release Pending QC Holds

  • Release holds in the prior program before the current enrollment
  • Release Ready to be Returned QC Holds prior to Ready to be Canceled QC Holds
    • This allows any returns to be completed prior to cancellation of funds (if applicable)
  • If you release cancel holds before return holds, it may result in rejected disbursements

Don't leave QC Holds stay On Hold too long

Note: There are downstream impacts to not releasing QC Holds.
  • When there is a QC Hold, all downstream processing is prevented
  • If QC Holds for prior enrollments are not released before releasing QC Holds for the current enrollment disbursements may not disburse correctly and may get Rejected
  • Student may become ineligible for funds if QC Holds are not released when an award year becomes closed

Releasing "Ready to be Canceled" QC Holds on "Closed Award Years"

If you release a Ready to be Canceled QC Hold after an Award Year has closed, the system attempts to Originate those disbursements.

Note: You should not Originate Pell Funds after an Award Year has closed.
Note: You should not release Ready to be Canceled holds on funds associated with a closed award year if you do not have permissions to view disbursements on COD and/or to use.

See: Disbursement Administration

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • Student Holds
  • Student Holds Modify

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI)

  1. Enter the student's external student ID number in the search field located in the upper right-hand corner
  2. Navigate to Student Record > Student > Student Holds > QC Holds
  3. Check the Release Indicator box for the QC Holds you want to release
  4. Click Save