QC Holds

The Quality Control (QC) Holds are utilized to analyze and validate automated financial aid processing in an ongoing effort to promote better service to students, compliance, and continuous improvement to business processes and application functions.


If errors are identified, those errors are escalated to the proper department to resolve the error.
Note: The QC Hold Reason feature has been deprecated. Ignore these fields when you see them in the UI.

QC Hold Statuses

Status Description
On Hold Status when a QC Hold for a FAS process is in progress
Released Status when a QC Hold has been either released by a user or auto-released by the FAS (in the instance the QC Hold is replaced via a repackage)
Replaced by Updated Hold Status when hold has been replaced by an updated amount for that particular hold level for that FAS process
Hold No Longer Valid Status when a hold has become outdated, but the replacement hold has not yet been created due to sequence of the FAS processing

What Student Financial Planning Does Automatically

Student Financial Planning automatically does the following things:

Initiates QC Holds

Student Financial Planning initiates a QC Hold at defined holding points in order for the Quality Control (QC) process to be completed prior to the completion of other critical financial aid processes to prevent system and/or manual errors.

When a student record has a QC Hold, subsequent processing actions are prevented from being completed and future tasks are not initiated until the QC Hold is Released. Student Financial Planning automatically documents the date the hold is initiated and displays the type of hold placed on the Student Record.

QC Hold Types

Process Hold Type QC Hold Trigger Process Triggered when Hold is Released
  • Award Amounts Determined
  • Awarding processing determined award amount(s)
  • Award amount is updated
  • Award Outbound Message
Credit Balance
  • Credit Balance Amount Determined
  • Credit Balance amount is determined
  • Credit Balance amount is updated
  • Credit Balance Information Outbound Message
  • Ready to be Disbursed
  • All disbursement criteria is equal to Met for a disbursement

Title IV Funds (Excluding IASG AND Campus-Based Funds):

  • COD Disbursement File

Non-Federal Funds, IASG, & Campus-Based Funds:

  • Disbursement Status updates to Disbursed
  • Disbursement Information Outbound
  • Read to be Returned
  • Disbursement is to be returned

Title IV Funds (Excluding IASG AND Campus-Based Funds):

  • COD Disbursement File

Non-Federal Funds, IASG, & Campus-Based Funds:

  • Disbursement Status updates to Disbursement Returned
  • Return to Lender Outbound Message
  • Ready to be Canceled
  • Disbursement is to be canceled

Title IV Funds (Excluding IASG AND Campus-Based Funds):

  • COD Disbursement File

Non-Federal Funds, IASG, & Campus-Based Funds:

  • Disbursement Status Updates to Disbursement Canceled
  • Cancel Disbursement Outbound Message
  • Late Disbursement Acceptance for Grant Determined
  • Late disbursement acceptance status for a grant is determined
  • Disbursement Acceptance Information Outbound Message
  • Late Disbursement Request for Disbursement Acceptance for Loan Determined
  • Late disbursement acceptance status for a loan is determined
  • Disbursement Acceptance Information Outbound Message
  • R2T4 Calculation Complete
  • R2T4 calculation is determined to not be required OR
  • R2T4 calculation is complete (subsequent actions are paused until the hold is released)
  • Reduction of Funds Process OR
  • PWD Process OR
  • Grant Overpayment Process OR
  • Cancellation of Future Disbursements
  • R2T4 Amount is Fully Earned
Grant Overpayment
  • Grant Overpayment Determined
  • Grant Overpayment is determined OR
  • Grant Overpayment is updated
  • Grant Overpayment Student Notification Outbound Message
Post-Withdrawal Disbursement
  • PWD Disbursement Acceptance for Grant Determine
  • PWD acceptance status for a grant is determined
  • Disbursement Acceptance Information Outbound Message
  • PWD Request for Acceptance for Loan Determined
  • PWD acceptance status for a loan is determined
  • Disbursement Acceptance Information Outbound Message

Triggers QC Hold information

When a QC Hold is initiated, Student Financial Planning generates the appropriate QC Hold Information and then triggers the QC Hold Outbound Message to external systems. The QC Hold Message is specific for each hold type.

Displays QC Hold information

Student Financial Planning displays the specific QC Hold Information details, per QC Hold Type.

Triggers an Automatic Release of Holds

To prevent the QC Hold process from creating compliance and/or processing complications, Student Financial Planning automatically releases a QC Hold when either of the following occurs:

  • The configured hold deadline has been met
  • The student's external student ID is included in an inbound QC Hold Release message

Sets specific QC Holds on targeted student populations

Student Financial Planning utilizes the QC Holds Type Configuration Initiation (Inbound) Message to turn specific hold types On, Off, or to the system Default (global) settings for students contained in the message. On the student QC Hold screen, the details include the comments column as to why the hold was turned on or off.

Responds to QC Hold information web service request

When a QC Hold Information Web Service Request is received Student Financial Planning triggers the QC Hold Information (Outbound) Message to provide details on QC Holds currently initiated for the requested student including the hold type, ID, status, date, and associated academic year (if applicable).

Student Financial Planning sends the information when one of the following occurs:

  • QC Hold Status is updated to, On Hold, Released, Replaced by Updated Hold, or Hold No Longer Valid
  • Receipt of the QC Hold Information Web Service Request has been received

Configurable Attributes

Configure and Set the QC Holds Selection Indicator

Authorized users can configure the QC Holds Selection Indicators (i.e. True, False, Default).

Authorized users can set the QC Holds selection indicator per QC Hold Type globally (via QC Holds Management), for a targeted student population (via FasQcHoldInitiationConfigEvent message), or individually (via QC Holds UI) on the student record.

When the QC Hold Selection Indicator is set to:

  • Default: Student Financial Planning uses the global setting found in the QC Management UI under the Administration settings
  • True or On Hold: Student Financial Planning turns on the QC Hold Type indicated for the student
    • This will override the global setting
  • False or No Hold: Student Financial Planning turns off the QC Hold Type indicated for the student
    • This will override the global setting

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management in order to view the following information.

  • Student
  • Student Holds

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Navigation to the Student Financial Planning User Interface Functionality

To View the QC Holds Screen

Student Record > Student > Student Holds > QC Holds