Enable ED Award Year-Based File Formats

For each new Award Year, you must enable the Award Year-specific U.S. Department of Education (ED) file formats that you want to process. This includes Central Processing System (CPS) formats for ISIR and Common Origination and Disbursement (COD).

The application doesn't process files received from CPS and COD (for SFP only) in an unenabled Award Year-specific file format, but they remain in a system queue. When you enable a file format, the application automatically processes any files in the queue.
  1. Navigate to: Administration > FAS Management > DOE File Management. (DOE is synonymous with ED.)
  2. Select an award year.
  3. Select the file names.
  4. Click Edit Selected.
  5. Enter the file processing start date and time in a mm/dd/yyyy hh:min AM/PM format.
  6. Click Apply.
For more details, see DOE File Management.