Manage TD Client

TD Client is the mechanism used to transfer files back and forth between a school and the United States Department of Education Student Internet Gateway (SAIG).

Enable and Disable TD Client

You can use this feature to universally control the transmission of files with the Central Processing System (CPS)/FAFSA Processing System (FPS) or Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) using the SAIG. This feature applies to both Award Year-based and Non-Award Year based file formats.

You can also evaluate the status of the TD Client connection in this feature. A status of Passed or Not Passed displays based on the health check outcome.

Note: There are two TD Clients:
  • FTI TD Client for Federal Tax Information (FTI) data from the Internal Revenue Service.

  • TD Client for all other ED data.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission through Roles Management in order to complete the manual processing steps listed below:

TD Client Management.

See: Set General Permissions Matrix

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the Student Financial Aid User Interface (UI).

Enable and Disable FTI TD Client or TD Client
  1. Navigate to: Administration > System Management > TD Client Management.
  2. Select the FTI TD Client Selection Indicator to toggle between Active (enabled) and Suspended (disabled).
  3. Select the TD Client Selection Indicator to toggle between Active (enabled) and Suspended (disabled).
Check FTI TD Client or TD Client Health
  1. Navigate to: Administration > System Management > TD Client Management.
  2. Click the Check TD Client Health link for the FTI TD Client or the TD Client.

    A status of Passed or Not Passed displays.

  3. If Not Passed, select the TD Client Selection Indicator to Suspended (disabled).
  4. Click Save.
  5. Wait at least 90 minutes.
  6. Log into the Department of Education's site to reset customer password.
  7. Confirm the password works using EdConnect or some other tool.
  8. Navigate to Administration > System Management > SAIG Administration
  9. Enter TG Number.
    Note: Make sure you include the entire TG Number including the TG prefix, just as you would when using ED's EDConnect software.
  10. Enter Password.
  11. Click Test Password.
  12. Click Save upon confirmation of a successful test.
  13. Navigate to: Administration > System Management > TD Client Management.
  14. Select the TD Client Selection Indicator to Active (enabled).
  15. Click Save.
  16. Click the Check TD Client Health link.

    A status of Passed or Not Passed displays. If Not Passed, repeat this task starting with Step 3.