SAIG Administration

You can connect to the U.S. Department of Education's (ED) Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) and update your school's SAIG Password.


Navigate to the SAIG Administration screen and enter the TG Number, Password, and test password connectivity. After this, running the Vocado U.S. Department of Education Gateway (VUG) uses the new or updated connection details.

An audit history of all the changes made to the SAIG connection details are displayed on the SAIG Administration page. An audit record is created for each update to the connection details, including the User and Date/Time the change was made. Audit history records are sorted with the most recent change first.

Note: There are two SAIG mailboxes to control:
  • FTI-SAIG for Federal Tax Information (FTI) data.
  • SAIG for all other ED data.

Required Role Permissions

You must have a role with the following General Permissions through Roles Management to complete the manual processing steps.

  • Administration.
  • SAIG Administration.

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Reset FTI-SAIG and SAIG Passwords

Log into the Student Financial Aid User Interface (FAS UI).

  1. Navigate to Administration > System Management > SAIG Administration > Reset FTI-SAIG Password or Reset SAIG Password
  2. Enter the TG Number for FTI-SAIG or SAIG.
    Note: Make sure you include the entire TG Number including the TG prefix, just as you would when using ED's EDConnect software.
  3. Enter Password.
  4. Click Test Password.
  5. Click Save upon confirmation of a successful test.
Note: ED requires your FTI-SAIG and SAIG passwords be changed every 90 days. Be sure to update your password in the system immediately after updating with ED.
Note: If the password test fails, follow steps to check TD Client Health in Manage TD Client.