SAIG Errors

Use the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) Error Handling feature to process errors and route them to specific task queues for review and resolution.


The Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) allows Federal Student Aid trading partners to securely exchange batch data with your financial aid processing applications.

Here are some important acronyms:

Acronym Description
SAIG Student Aid Internet Gateway
CPS Central Processing System
FPS FAFSA Processing System
COD Common Origination and Disbursement
NSLDS National Student Loan Data System
TSM Transfer Student Monitoring
FAH Financial Aid History

What Student Financial Aid Does Automatically

Student Financial Aid (SFA) automatically:

Recognizes Students with No Grants or Loans on NSLDS

Sometimes, the student doesn't have any grant or loan history in NSLDS, there are warning edits in their TSM or FAH files. In these cases, SFA the warning edits but considers the student eligible for financial aid, awards, and disburses funds.

Matches COD Errors

The application matches its outbound records to inbound COD records to determine if the document originated from your institution. If there isn't a match, the application classified received COD record as Not Matching.

Matches FPS/CPS and NSLDS Errors

The application matches student records to inbound FPS/CPS and NSLDS records. If there isn't a match, the application classifies the received FPS/CPS or NSLDS record as Not Matching.

Creates an SAIG Error Handling Task

The application creates SAIG Error Tasks and sorts them into related COD, FPS/CPS, and NSLDS queues.

Re-Submits files to COD, FPS/CPS, and NSLDS

When you resolve an SAIG Error, the application re-submits the file through the SAIG for COD, FPS/CPS and/or NSLDS to process the file. If the student record has multiple errors, the application only resubmits the file through the SAIG when all applicable errors are resolved. After you resolve an error, you can try to process an inbound file again if the SAIG doesn't recognize the file type.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with these General Permissions through Roles Management to view the SAIG Error Queue:

  • Administration.
  • System Management.
  • SAIG Errors.

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Navigation to the Student Financial Aid User Interface Functionality

To review the SAIG Error Queue, navigate to:

Administration > System Management > SAIG Errors

  1. You can reduce returned results by selecting an Award Year.
  2. You can sort by Received Date or Error code.