Review Document For Approval

If Student Financial Aid (SFA) receives an unsatisfactory file format or an unrecognizable document code, the document may need to be reviewed for approval.


  • When using delivered Student Self-Service, once the student uploads the document with the allowed file type, for example, pdf, jpeg, gif, or png, SFA receives the document, and creates a Review Document for Approval task based on configuration for manual review.

  • When using an external Document Management System (DMS), SFA receives documents through the FasDocumentReceiptEvent message. Based on the data sent in the message and corresponding configuration, a Review Document for Approval task may be created for users to manually review the document.

SFA can't approve the document automatically; therefore, SFA creates a Review Document for Approval task. Once the task is created, you can manually review the document for acceptance so it can be determined if the document satisfies any pending tasks in SFA.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with these general permissions through Roles Management to view documents within the Review Document for Approval and/or Process an NFF Document tasks:

  • Dashboard.
  • Document Review Task.
  • NFF Forms Task Review.

The user must have a role with the following document permissions through Roles Management to complete the manual processing steps:

  • View Document
    • Required for any document the user will need to be able to view.
  • Doc Review Task
    • Required for any document the user will need to complete an associated Review Document for Approval task.
  • NFF Forms Task
    • Required for any Non-Federal Funds document the user will need to complete a Process an NFF Document tasks.

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the SFA Financial Aid System (FAS) UI.

  1. Enter the student's External Student ID Number in the Search Field
  2. Navigate to Student > Documents > Received Documents.
  3. Click the View Student Tasks link in the Student Header.
    Note: When a document is in the status Received the document did not pass the document validation criteria and requires manual review and a Review Document for Approval task is created.
  4. Check box for the Review Document for Approval task.
  5. Click the Claim # of #.
  6. Navigate to Dashboard > Review Document for Approval.
  7. Start task.
  8. Confirm/Update data as needed:
    • Approve or Reject task.
    • Update field if you make changes to document metadata.
  9. Complete task.
  10. Confirm status updates correctly, for example, Approved/Acceptable or Rejected/Unacceptable.