Update Document Metadata

If necessary, you can manually update document metadata.


If you click on the Update Fields within the Review Document for Approval task, the data is saved even if you don't complete the task. Student Financial Aid (SFA) saves the current information entered by the user on the student record. SFA doesn't trigger any resulting automated processes until the task is completed because you may need to make additional manual updates to other information based on the document, for example, At Will ISIR corrections.

Note: If a subsequent document is received and document metadata has been updated manually, the new document is run through the Document Receipt Process and may overwrite any manual updates made to previously received documents.

If the Document Owner field is unknown, you can update it to the proper value, for example, Student, Spouse, Parent 1. If the document has more than one Document Owner, select multiple document owners so it properly reflects the correct owners.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following general permissions through Roles Management in order to view documents within the Review Document for Approval and Process an NFF Document tasks.

  • Dashboard (optional)
    • Required if the user will be working tasks associated with a document.
  • Document Review Task (optional)
    • Required if the user will be working Review Document for Approval Tasks associated with a document.
    • Required if the user will be working Process an NFF Document Tasks associated with a Non-Federal Funds document.

The user must have a role with these document permissions through Roles Management to complete the manual processing steps:

  • View Document
    • Required for any document the user will need to be able to view or edit.
  • Doc Review Task (optional)
    • Required for any document the user will need to complete an associated Review Document for Approval task.
  • NFF Forms Task (optional)
    • Required for any Non-Federal Funds document the user will need to complete a Process an NFF Document task.

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Log into the SFA Financial Aid System (FAS) UI.

  1. Enter the student's external student ID number in the search field located in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Navigate to Student > Documents > Received Documents.
    • The most current version of each document that has been received and matched to the student record is displayed.
  3. Click the Edit Details.
  4. Make updates in any editable field, for example, free form fields, checkboxes, drop-down menus, and so on.
  5. Click Save after all updates are complete.