Letter Batch Job

You can create multiple letters at once using the Letter batch process.

To prevent duplicate letters being sent to the student, Student Financial Aid (SFA) uses a batch job and a configurable delay between the first Letter Code triggering action and when the batch job runs. The purpose of delay is to reduce the number of triggers the Letter batch job has to process. The Letter batch job always uses the latest trigger for each Letter Code for each student. This ensures that a student receives only one letter for each Letter Code for each batch job.

For example, let’s assume a Letter Code has a configured delay of 1 hour. The triggering actions occur at the noted times in the Letter Batch Example table, and the Letter batch Job is scheduled to run at once a day at 11:00 PM.

Letter Batch Example

Time of FAS Event Trigger Used in Letter Batch Job
6:00 PM No
8:00 PM No
9:30 PM Yes
10:30 PM No, due to configured 1 hour delay. Considered in next day's run.

When the Letter Batch job runs at 11:00 PM, only the trigger created at 9:30 PM is used to create the Letter since the 9:30 PM trigger event contains the latest information and supersedes previous triggers. The 10:30 PM trigger falls within the 1 hour delay and will be considered for the next day's run.

When the Letter batch job runs:

  • The parameter values and updated data from the latest triggering event are used to populate its corresponding Letter.

  • All Letters are generated and published to the Student Financial Aid user interface.

As delivered, the Letters Batch job is configured to run once nightly. Use the Oracle Analytics Server Batch Job Schedule Report to see the schedule. To change the Letter Batch job schedule, by filing a service request with Oracle Support.

The Letter batch job can be scheduled to run once or multiple times per day. The delay can be configured in minutes in the Letter Configuration Workbook. Letters that do not have a configured delay are generated in real-time. Authorized users can manually trigger the Letter batch job as needed.