Vocado U.S. Department of Education Gateway

Messages and Files sent from the US Department of Education (ED) via the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) are sent to the Vocado US Department of Education Gateway (VUG) application.

Institutional Student Information Reports (ISIRs) and National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) financial aid history information files are flat files that must be saved with a .dat extension. Files from Common Origination and Disbursements (COD) are xml payloads and must be saved with a .xml extension.

Note: Student Financial Aid (SFA) is updated whenever ED makes changes to any record file layouts.

SAIG Setup

For information regarding SAIG setup, see: SAIG Administration.

Post an SAIG File to the VUG

This is an example using Mac OS X's built-in curl functionality. Any other web service integration tool you are comfortable with may be used, for example Postman, as long as the username, password, file, and web service endpoint is maintained.

curl -ki -X POST -u 'user:password' --key fasapi -F "file=@/Users/Username/Desktop/student/idap20op-a.dat" https://sfp.ocs.oraclecloud.com/customer/vug/in/publish

Pull an SAIG File from the VUG

This is an example using Mac OS X's built-in curl functionality. Any other web service integration tool you are comfortable with may be used, for example Postman, as long as the username, password, file, and web service endpoint is maintained.

curl -X POST -u user:password https://sfp.ocs.oraclecloud.com/vug/out/consume?limit=1

SAIG File Types: Naming Conventions

During the testing and demo phases of implementation, it is imperative that mock SAIG files adhere to the SAIG Message Class naming conventions defined by the U.S. Department of Education at https://fsapartners.ed.gov.

Note: If an NSLDS File load is successful using POSTMAN, but the NSLDS data isn't displayed on the FAS Administration UI, review the content of the file and validate that it meets all specifications outlined in the NSLDS record layouts from ED.