Letter Code 110: Verification Letter

Letter Code 110: Verification Letter is intended to notify the student they have been selected for verification based on the ISIR received. Request for additional information is required from the student.


  • Letter is called when the following message is triggered: FasValidIsirProcessStatusInformationEvent
    • FasValidIsirProcessStatusInformationEvent is triggered after an ISIR is received and has C-Code 170 or 171
  • The Configured Interval (i.e. One Minute) between Triggering Action and letter generation must elapse before the LetterTriggerJob runs
  • The letter triggered will include data from the last triggering action for that letter code that occurred within the interval
  • The letter is displayed in the Student Letters User Interface (UI) after the LetterTriggerJob runs

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permission(s) through Roles Management.

  • Student Letters

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.