Inactive Student Step 2: Review any Refunds or Overpayments

Here are the details for Inactive Student Step 2: Review any Refunds or Overpayments. If displaying the Inactive view and there are no notifications associated with Step 2 Review any Refunds or Overpayments, the following message is displayed: There are no pending refunds or overpayments that require review.

Refund Messages

  • Refund Due notifications are displayed based on open notifications for the student from the FasStudentNotificationInformationRequest/Reply event message. The student may have multiple Refund Due notifications based on the student's required counseling types.

  • When a student withdraws and a Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation results in a Return on the student record, a Refund Due notification is created and is displayed in this form: “Review any Refunds or Overpayments”. The message is displayed as hyperlink to the Student Self-Service Notifications page.

  • If the Refund Due notification is Open , the message displays a Pending status. If the notification is Closed, the message displays a Completed status. The Review Refund Due notification displayed is associated with the appropriate Academic Year. If there are no Refund Due notifications for the student, the message isn’t displayed.

Grant Overpayment Messages

  • The Grant Overpayment notification is based on the FAS Student Notification Web Service for Pell Grants, FSEOG Grants, TEACH Grants, and IASG Grants..

  • When a student withdraws and a Grant Overpayment notification is create, a message displays in this form: “Review Grant Overpayment“. The message is displayed as a hyperlink to the Self-Service Notifications page.

  • If the notification is Open, the message displays a status of Pending. If the notification is Closed, the message displays a status of Completed. If the student doesn't have a Grant Overpayment, no message is displayed.

  • Grant Overpayment notifications are associated with an academic year, but they aren’t Award Year or Academic Year specific. Therefore, the message can display for multiple academic years. If there are multiple Grant Overpayments are created, only one message is on the Home page, but each notification is displayed on the Notifications page.