Override Academic Years

You can Override the Academic Year Dates from the Packaging page.


If you manually adjust a single Academic Year, ensure you set up all other Academic Years properly.
Note: The application doesn't enforce this, so it's possible to manually adjust a single Academic Year and save your changes without reviewing other Academic Years' setups.

When you save manual changes to an Academic Year, the application repackages the student using those changes. Also, once you manually override Academic Year dates, subsequent SAFI messages don't re-trigger repackaging. However, a subsequent SAFI message will trigger the credit balance engine to determine if there is a credit balance.

To trigger a repackage after you receive a subsequent SAFI message, re-map the student's Academic years.

Downstream Impact

You need to monitor students with manually Overridden Academic Year Dates for the duration of the student's program.

At certain points, you need to evaluate unprocessed SAFIs to determine if you want to use a more recent SAFI. To use a more recent SAFI, select the SAFI you want to use and follow the Manual Processing Steps to complete the updates.

Tips for Overriding the Academic Year

Check Non-Federal Fund Periods first.

You must take into consideration if there are any Non-Federal Funds (NFF) before overriding the Academic Year. If there are NFFs, check the NFF Period Start and End Dates and make sure that when you update the Academic Year, the NFF Period Dates are within the updated Academic Year Dates.

Note: If you update the Academic Year Dates and it results in the NFF period dates being outside of the Academic Year Dates, future repackages may fail or an app event error may occur.

If a manual update to an Academic Year results in an NFF Period being outside the acceptable dates, the application creates a Re-Evaluate NFF Fund task.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with these General Permissions through Roles Management to complete the manual processing steps:

  • Student.
  • Override Academic Years.

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Override Academic Year Dates
  1. Sign into the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI).
  2. Enter the student's external student ID number in the search field located in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Navigate to Student > Financial Information > Packaging.
  4. Expand the Historical Packaging Versions and take note of the number of latest Version Number.
  5. Override Academic Years.
  6. Select SAFI Version.
  7. Configure Academic Year and Payment Period Course Dates.
  8. Enter an Academic Year Start Date of Overlapping Loan if applicable.

    AcY Start Date of Overlapping Loan: Only update this data field if the student has an unfinished academic year at a prior institution that overlaps with the current enrollment's first academic year. If an overlap exists, update this data field to equal the date of the prior institution's Academic Year Start Date.

  9. Enter a Final Academic Year End Date if applicable.

    Final AcY End Date: Don't update the final academic year end date unless the final academic year is shorter than the academic year definition. If it is shorter, calculate the academic year end date based on the number of weeks required to complete an academic year and update this data field with the calculated value (AcYr Start Date + AYD Weeks = AcYr End Date).

  10. Update Payment Period Dates if necessary.

    AcY Start/End & PP Start/End Dates: If you need to adjust dates further after configuring the Academic Year Start, Middle and End dates, use the date picker in the Override Summary section to update the academic year start and end dates or the payment period start and end dates.

  11. Click Save.
  12. Click OK to confirm update and refresh the screen to see updates.
  13. Confirm that the updates were saved and the repackaging reason is: Academic year info was overridden.

    Held SAFIs

    After an academic year has been overridden, subsequent SAFIs no longer trigger a repackage. New SAFI messages are held (stored, but unprocessed) and do NOT trigger a repackage. Subsequent SAFI messages have to be accepted, and each academic year's payment period dates need to be mapped out for the remainder of the student's program.

One Course Academic Year

If you have an academic year that is only one course, you need to enter the PP1 End Date and PP2 Start Date:
  • The PP1 End Date must be between the Academic Year Start Date and the Academic Year End Date.
  • The PP2 Start Date must be between the PP1 End date and the Academic Year End Date.

Override Academic Year Dates with Overlapping Courses

When an Academic Year includes overlapping courses, make sure to select dates based on the appropriate start and end dates. Make sure to use the start and or end dates that include all courses included in the payment period. So long as the course start and end dates fall between the payment period start and end dates, it will be included in the payment period.

Make sure to update the payment period start and end dates so that the student meets instructional weeks at the half when you are overriding an academic year with overlapping courses.