Override Disbursement Payment Period Amounts

You can override the total disbursement amount a student should be getting in the Payment Period (PP).


You can select the award year associated to the PP to update, the updated amount, and the reason for the override. The application updates remaining disbursement information according to logic to increase or decrease disbursements. This includes:
  • Create accurate disbursement and sequence numbers.
  • Calculating incremental and total disbursement amounts.
  • Setting appropriate disbursement statuses.
The PP disbursement amount is flagged as manually overridden, and the application won't update the amount in future actions.

The application doesn't allow an update to the PP disbursement amounts when the disbursement status is Origination Sent to COD (US Department of Education Common Origination and Disbursement process) or Disbursement Sent to COD.

When overriding the Payment Period Disbursement Amounts:

  • Make sure to select the correct award year.
  • Make sure to enter the correct dollar amount.
  • Double check the amount if you are updating both PPs and make sure that the combination doesn't exceed the amount the student is eligible to receive.
Note: If you do not enter the Award Year or Dollar Amount values correctly, COD rejects the disbursement.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with these General Permissions through Roles Management to complete the manual processing steps:

  • Student
  • Disbursement Override

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

Sign into the Student Financial Planning User Interface (UI).

  1. Enter the student's external student ID number in the search field located in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Navigate to Student > Financial Information > Disbursing.
  3. Click Edit Disb Amts.
  4. Confirm or update the Award Year.
  5. Enter new PP Disbursement Amount.
  6. Enter a comment.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Confirm updates on Disbursing page.
  9. Repeat for additional PPs as needed.

Downstream Impact

Once you override the PP amount, monitor and manually update the disbursement as needed for that PP.

If any of these events occur, review the disbursement to determine if additional manual adjustments are required:

  • Funds Acceptance.
  • Repackage with fund amounts changing.
  • Subsequent ISIRs.
  • New NSLDS.
  • Subsequent SAFIs that cause some cost of attendance change.
  • Disbursement acceptance.
  • Return to Title IV.
  • Stale Dated Credit Balance Checks.
  • Grant Overpayment Repayments.

Example Scenario

A PP Disbursement Amount is overridden and increased. The student either completes the academic year, graduates, withdraws, or dies prior to the increased funds disbursing. At that point, the application determines that the student is eligible for a Late Disbursement and creates a new Disbursement Number. When the Late Disbursement Criteria isn't Met by the Late Disbursement deadline, the application cancels the late disbursement amount and a Ready to be Canceled QC Hold is placed on the Student Record. If that hold is automatically or manually released without the PP Disbursement Amount being adjusted, the application creates another Disbursement Number each time the student is repackaged.

Cycle of Events When Manually Updating a Payment Period Disbursement Amount

  1. PP Disbursement Amount manually updated.
  2. Student completed the academic year.
  3. The application determines the Disbursement Amount doesn't match the overridden PP Disbursement Amount.
  4. The application creates a new disbursement and determines it is a Late Disbursement.
  5. Late Disbursement Criteria isn't Met.
  6. The application cancels the Late Disbursement.
  7. The Ready to be Canceled QC Hold associated with the Late Disbursement is released. The cycle repeats if the Ready to be Canceled QC Hold is released and the PP Disbursement Amount isn't adjusted.
  8. Student is Repackaged and the application determines the disbursement amount doesn't match the overridden PP Disbursement Amount.
  9. The application determines the Disbursement Amount doesn't match the overridden PP Disbursement Amount.
  10. The application creates a new disbursement and determines it is a Late Disbursement.
  11. Late Disbursement Criteria isn't Met.
  12. The application cancels the Late Disbursement.
  13. The Ready to be Canceled QC Hold associated with the Late Disbursement is released.
  14. Student is Repackaged, and the application determines the disbursement amount doesn't match the overridden PP Disbursement Amount.

How to Avoid Repeating the Cycle

To prevent this cycle from continuously repeating, when you are reviewing the Ready to be Canceled QC Hold, you should take one of two paths:

  1. Determine the student is eligible for a Late Disbursement and take steps to disburse the funds:
    1. Update the PP Disbursement Amount if needed.
    2. Update the Late Disbursement Criteria to Met from the disbursing screen.
    3. Remove the Cancellation Reason & Date through the Disbursement Administration page.
    4. Re-Originate through the Disbursement Administration page.
  2. Determine the student isn't eligible for a Late Disbursement and take steps to stop disbursing the increased amount:

    1. Update the PP Disbursement Amount.
    2. Release the Ready to be Canceled QC Hold.