Packaging Errors

Packaging Errors can happen for a variety of reasons that are specific to an individual student’s situation. Therefore, the process to correct Packaging Errors can be very individual to a student.


You can view detailed information about what errors are blocking the Packaging process for an individual student in the Student Packaging UI.

The same information you see in the UI is available by running the Application Event Error Report. This report can be used to identify why a student’s package is on hold or blocked. It provides the same information as the UI. You can run this report to determine all errors that occurred within a specified time frame.

What Student Financial Planning Does Automatically

Student Financial Planning automatically does the following things:

  • Displays a Resolve Blocked Calc Button on the Packaging page.

    Students with Packaging Errors have a Resolve Blocked Calc button displayed on their Packaging pages. Clicking the button displays a pop-up window with detailed information into why the package is blocked, the date the blockage occurred, and what manual steps, if any, can be taken to correct the error.

  • Processes queued Triggers.

    When you take the directed steps to resolve the Packaging Errors, any queued triggers package in the order they were received.

Configurable Attributes

This feature does not have any configurable features.

Required Role Permissions

The user must have a role with the following General Permissions through Roles Management to complete the manual processing steps listed below.

  • At Will Repackage

See Set General Permissions Matrix for additional information.

Manual Processing Steps

  1. Navigate to Student > Financial Information > Packaging
  2. Click Resolve Blocked Calc, if displayed.
  3. Follow instructions in the pop-up window.