Task Overview

The Task Overview Dashboard enables you to manage your individual workflow by starting/resuming, working and completing tasks.


Student Financial Aid defaults to the Task Overview Dashboard upon login. From the Task Overview screen you can view a snapshot of the number of tasks that have been assigned to you from specific task queues and in which task queues you can claim available, unassigned tasks.

Note: You can only see task queues that your assigned roles have been assigned the general permissions to view. Task queue permissions are assigned to you based on your primary responsibilities.

What Student Financial Aid Does Automatically

Student Financial Aid (SFA) automatically does the following things:

Displays task queues

SFA shows only the task queues the user has permission to view. However, there may be other permissions that have been restricted so the user can view the task queue, but not complete any associated tasks.

Informs the user there are tasks available tasks to be claimed

When tasks are available and are unassigned, SFA displays a download icon in the left sidebar of the associated task queue.

Informs the user how many tasks are assigned to the user

When tasks are assigned to a user, SFA sums the total number of assigned tasks and displays the number in the left sidebar of the associated task queue.

Displays each task assigned to you in each task queue

You can view tasks that you have either claimed or that have been assigned to you by your supervisor. Within the task queue, you can easily determine which tasks are new (start button) versus the tasks already in progress (resume button).

Displays Non-Completed Tasks

When you claim a task SFA will display a pop-out dialog box if there are any other non-completed tasks associated to the student record. This allows you to see if there are tasks associated to the Student Record, claim unassigned tasks (with applicable permissions), see if tasks are assigned to other users and the status of those tasks.

The pop-out dialogue box allows the user to gain additional details related to open/pending tasks and to continue working a student record if multiple tasks are open for the student.

The user is not required to claim non-completed tasks; however, if the task is "Unassigned" and the user has the associated permission to work the task, the user can claim a single task, multiple tasks, or all tasks associated to the student. If the user does not have the associated permissions to work the task, the user is still able to see that non-completed tasks exist. If a task is "Assigned" and the user has permissions to work that task, the user will not be able to claim the task, but the user will be able to see who the task is "Assigned" too.

View Student Tasks - Header

  1. Total Tasks for this Student
    • Total number of non-completed tasks you do and do not have permission to claim
  2. Total Tasks You have Permission to See
    • Total number of non-completed tasks you have permission to claim
  3. Total Unassigned Tasks
    • Total number of non-completed tasks that are "Unassigned"
  4. Student Name/IRN

View Student Tasks - Columns

  • Check Box (check to claim task)
  • Type
  • Task Owner
  • Priority
  • Created Date
  • Status
Note: This pop-out dialog box is also visible on the Student Record, by clicking on the View Student Tasks link in the header.

Prioritizes tasks

SFA assigns or prioritizes tasks based on configuration (that is, First in First Out, Program End Date, Program Start Date, and so on).

Configurable Attributes

Default screen after a task is claimed

The school can configure SFA to determine which screen will be displayed when a task is claimed. The user may remain on the Dashboard and see the newly claimed task in the queue or be taken to the task workflow upon claiming a task.

To View the Task Overview screen

Student Financial Aid User Interface > Dashboard > Task Overview (default view).