Brand Learning Catalogs

Specify the branding style for each learning catalog of your institution. Each learning catalog, such as an Undergraduate learning catalog or a Continuing Education learning catalog, can display a different logo and color theme.

Access the Branding page: From Student Central, click Search and search for Specify Branding and Colors.

Select a logo for larger screen sizes such as desktops and laptops, and select a logo for smaller screen sizes. Logo for larger screen sizes should have a rectangular format, where the width should be significantly greater than the height. Examples of such a format are 685 x 130 pixels or 1009 x 105 pixels. Logo for small screen sizes should have a square format, where the width should be equal to height, for example, 300 x 300 pixels. The logo should be in PNG format.

After selecting the logo and branding color, preview this branding configuration, for both mobile devices and desktop, before saving the configuration.

After creating a branding style on the branding page, use the Learning Catalogs page to associate the branding style with a learning catalog. If you haven't selected a branding style for a learning catalog, then that particular learning catalog uses the branding associated with the default learning catalog. Also, the branding of many administrative and setup pages is determined by the branding style you selected for the default learning catalog. An example of such an administrative page is the Person Profiles page (From Student Central, click Search and search for Person Profile Search). An example of such a setup page is the Communications page (From Student Central, click Search and search for Communications).

Branding for Other Pages

For rest of the pages, use the themes settings on the Appearance work area to configure branding.