Create Course Lists

Create a course list to prescribe a list of courses that satisfy an academic requirement, such as the core requirements for a major. You use course lists when you create academic groups and programs.

Note: Before you begin, review the list of features that you must set up before you create course lists. Features to Set Up Before You Create Course Lists

Here’s how you create a course list:

  1. Add details.
  2. Assign ownership.
  3. Add courses.

Access the Course Lists page: From Student Central, click Search and search for Course Lists.

Add Details

  1. Click Create Course List.
  2. Enter a name, title, and code.
  3. You can enter an optional description.
  4. Click Create.

    The data you entered shows in the Details tab.

Note: When you create a course list, the status is set to Inactive. You must complete all required fields and assign ownership and academic level before you can set a course list to Active.

Assign Ownership

  1. Click the Ownership tab.
  2. Click Assign Ownership.

    You can assign only one entity type (an academic organization) as the owner.

  3. Click the entity.

    It appears in the Current Selections box.

  4. Click Assign.
  5. Click the Actions ellipsis.
  6. Click Edit Academic Levels to assign an academic level.

    You must assign an academic level when you create a course list.

  7. Click Add Row and select an academic level.
  8. Click Update.

Add Courses

  1. Click the Courses tab.
  2. You can add an optional description.
  3. Click Add Course Items.
  4. Search for courses and course lists and click to select them.

    The selections you make appear in the Current Selections box.

  5. Click Add to List.
  6. To group courses, select the courses and click Create Group.
  7. To edit a group name and add or edit a description, click the ellipsis for the group and click Edit Details.
  8. You can use various other actions in the ellipsis menu to manage your course list requirements.
  9. Click Save.
  10. When you're ready, you can set the course list to Active.
Note: You must complete all required fields and assign ownership and academic level before you can set a course list to Active.

Rapid Implementation

You can also create and load course lists using the Rapid Implementation process. Use these tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Student Management offering:

  • Create Curriculum Items Configuration in Spreadsheet
  • Upload Curriculum Structures in Spreadsheet