Manage Access to Student Results

Use data profiles to control user access to student results data.

Use the Manage Application Access task to create a data profile based on a business object. Then assign that profile, with the relevant privilege, to a role or user.

Control access to student results using these attributes:

  • Institution

  • Campus

  • Academic Level

  • Academic Organization

You can control access by one attribute, multiple attributes, or all attributes. You can control access for specific roles and for individual users.

Create data profiles for these business objects:

  • Student Result

  • Student Scheduled Course

You can also use predefined data profiles. On the Data Profiles page, a value of Yes shows in the Predefined field.

The data profiles impact the type of student enrollment data a user can access in the Learners, Results UI:

  • A Student Result data profile, with the Manage Student Course Result privilege, controls which results data a user can view for a student in Learners, Student Results (Courses tab). It does this by controlling whether a user can see the Result row for a course, regardless of whether a grade exists. It also controls the ability to add and update result notes.

  • A Student Scheduled Course data profile, with the Create Student Course Result privilege, controls which results a user can add and update for a student in Learners, Student Results (Courses tab). It does this by controlling whether a user can access the Result link, within the Result row.

To add and update a result, a user needs both results profiles: Student Result and Student Scheduled Course.