Higher Education Instructor (Job Role)

Prepares, delivers, and assesses student performance on instructional material for a group of learners in a higher education setting.

Role Hierarchy

The Higher Education Instructor job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Higher Education Instructor
    • Curriculum Registry Inquiry

    • Instruct Class

    • Student Detail View

    • Student Party View


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Higher Education Instructor job role.

Duty Role Description

Curriculum Registry Inquiry

Inquiry access to program, course, and section curriculum items.

Instruct Class

Instructional staff access to class and grade rosters.

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

Student Party View

Reviews the party information of students.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Higher Education Instructor job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Curriculum Registry Inquiry

Inquiry access to program, course, and section curriculum items.

View Class Sections

Curriculum Registry Inquiry

Inquiry access to program, course, and section curriculum items.

View Course Curriculum

Curriculum Registry Inquiry

Inquiry access to program, course, and section curriculum items.

View Curriculum Configuration

Curriculum Registry Inquiry

Inquiry access to program, course, and section curriculum items.

View Program of Study

Higher Education Instructor

Prepares, delivers, and assesses student performance on instructional material for a group of learners in a higher education setting.

Administer User Registration

Higher Education Instructor

Prepares, delivers, and assesses student performance on instructional material for a group of learners in a higher education setting.

Manage Communications

Higher Education Instructor

Prepares, delivers, and assesses student performance on instructional material for a group of learners in a higher education setting.

Run Student Management Queries

Higher Education Instructor

Prepares, delivers, and assesses student performance on instructional material for a group of learners in a higher education setting.

Search Person Profile

Higher Education Instructor

Prepares, delivers, and assesses student performance on instructional material for a group of learners in a higher education setting.

Update Task and Checklist Assignments

Higher Education Instructor

Prepares, delivers, and assesses student performance on instructional material for a group of learners in a higher education setting.

View All Task and Checklist Assignments

Higher Education Instructor

Prepares, delivers, and assesses student performance on instructional material for a group of learners in a higher education setting.

View Data Registry

Higher Education Instructor

Prepares, delivers, and assesses student performance on instructional material for a group of learners in a higher education setting.

View Recipient's Response to a Communication

Higher Education Instructor

Prepares, delivers, and assesses student performance on instructional material for a group of learners in a higher education setting.

View Self-Service Communications

Higher Education Instructor

Prepares, delivers, and assesses student performance on instructional material for a group of learners in a higher education setting.

View Student Management Home Page Setups

Higher Education Instructor

Prepares, delivers, and assesses student performance on instructional material for a group of learners in a higher education setting.

View Student Management Queries

Higher Education Instructor

Prepares, delivers, and assesses student performance on instructional material for a group of learners in a higher education setting.

View Student Management Query Consumers

Instruct Class

Instructional staff access to class and grade rosters.

Maintain Class Roster

Instruct Class

Instructional staff access to class and grade rosters.

Maintain Grade Roster

Instruct Class

Instructional staff access to class and grade rosters.

View Class Roster

Instruct Class

Instructional staff access to class and grade rosters.

View Grade Roster

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

View Death Information

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

View Privacy Information

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

View Student Citizenship and Passport Information

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

View Student Contact Information

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

View Student Emergency Contacts

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

View Student Establishment Record

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

View Student Ethnicity Information

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

View Student Gender Identity

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

View Student Identifying Demographic Information

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

View Student Licenses and Certifications

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

View Student Military Status

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

View Student Names

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

View Student Residency Official Information

Student Detail View

Reviews the personal information of students.

View Student Visa Information

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Higher Education Instructor job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Scheduled Course

A Higher Education Instructor can view scheduled course for all students

Role: Higher Education Instructor

Privilege: Add Students to Waitlist (Data)

Resource: Scheduled Course

Student Scheduled Course

A Higher Education Instructor can delete student scheduled course for all students

Role: Higher Education Instructor

Privilege: Remove Students from Waitlist (Data)

Resource: Student Scheduled Course

Student Scheduled Course

A Higher Education Instructor can update student scheduled course for all students

Role: Higher Education Instructor

Privilege: Enroll Students from Waitlist (Data)

Resource: Student Scheduled Course

Student Scheduled Course

A Higher Education Instructor can update student scheduled course for all students

Role: Higher Education Instructor

Privilege: Update Waitlist Position (Data)

Resource: Student Scheduled Course

Student Scheduled Course

A Higher Education Instructor can view student scheduled course for all students

Role: Higher Education Instructor

Privilege: View Waitlist Position (Data)

Resource: Student Scheduled Course

Trading Community Party

A Higher Education Instructor can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Relationship

A Higher Education Instructor can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Higher Education Instructor can view trading community resource for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile


This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Higher Education Instructor job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Citizenship

A Higher Education Instructor can view trading community person citizenship number for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Citizenship Number (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Citizenship

Trading Community Party

A Higher Education Instructor can view trading community person social security for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Social Security (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

A Higher Education Instructor can view trading community person additional identifier for all identifiers in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Additional Identifier (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Trading Community Person Address

A Higher Education Instructor can view trading community person address for personal addresses

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Address (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address

Trading Community Person E-Mail

A Higher Education Instructor can view trading community person contact for personal e-mail

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person E-Mail

Trading Community Person Phone

A Higher Education Instructor can view trading community person contact for personal phone numbers

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone