Registrar (Job Role)

Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Role Hierarchy

The Registrar job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Registrar
    • Curriculum Registry Inquiry

    • Customer Payment Instrument Management

    • Fee Assessment

    • Functional Setups User
      • Functional Setups

    • Institution Settings Inquiry

    • Instruct Class

    • Student Accounts Receivable

    • Student Enrollment Inquiry
      • Business Intelligence Consumer

    • Student Financials Customer Maintenance

    • Student Party Maintenance
      • Student Party View


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Registrar job role.

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Consumer

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.

Curriculum Registry Inquiry

Inquiry access to program, course, and section curriculum items.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Fee Assessment

Assesses curriculum and non-curriculum fees.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

Instruct Class

Instructional staff access to class and grade rosters.

Student Accounts Receivable

Access to account receivables transactions.

Student Enrollment Inquiry

Inquiry access to student enrollment and results.

Student Financials Customer Maintenance

Access to customer account maintenance setup.

Student Party Maintenance

Reviews and updates the party information of students.

Student Party View

Reviews the party information of students.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Registrar job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Curriculum Registry Inquiry

Inquiry access to program, course, and section curriculum items.

View Class Sections

Curriculum Registry Inquiry

Inquiry access to program, course, and section curriculum items.

View Course Curriculum

Curriculum Registry Inquiry

Inquiry access to program, course, and section curriculum items.

View Curriculum Configuration

Curriculum Registry Inquiry

Inquiry access to program, course, and section curriculum items.

View Program of Study

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage External Bank and Bank Branch

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage External Payer Payment Details

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage Payment Card

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage Payment Instrument Assignment

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage Third Party Bank Account

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

View Payment Card

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

View Third Party Bank Account

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

View Third Party Bank Account Assignment

Fee Assessment

Assesses curriculum and non-curriculum fees.

Maintain Curriculum Charges

Fee Assessment

Assesses curriculum and non-curriculum fees.

Maintain Non-curriculum Charges

Fee Assessment

Assesses curriculum and non-curriculum fees.

Maintain Student Academic Period

Fee Assessment

Assesses curriculum and non-curriculum fees.

View Student Account

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Applications Offering

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Setup and Maintain Applications

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

View Academic Campuses

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

View Academic Credentials

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

View Academic Hierarchy

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

View Academic Institution

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

View Academic Levels

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

View Academic Organization

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

View Academic Periods

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

View Academic Staff

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

View Academic Subjects

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

View Facilities

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

View Institution Settings

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

View Result Sets

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

View Student Management Settings

Institution Settings Inquiry

Inquiry access to institution settings data.

View System Offices

Instruct Class

Instructional staff access to class and grade rosters.

Maintain Class Roster

Instruct Class

Instructional staff access to class and grade rosters.

Maintain Grade Roster

Instruct Class

Instructional staff access to class and grade rosters.

View Class Roster

Instruct Class

Instructional staff access to class and grade rosters.

View Grade Roster


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Administer Customer Accounts


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Administer User Registration


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Apply Manual Discount


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Assign Person Tags


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Assign Service Indicators


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Create Online Payments


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Create Organization Record


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Create Payment


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Create Task and Checklist Assignments


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Drop Student Enrollment


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Edit National Identifier Information


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Establish Self Service Student Record


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Establish Student Record


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Academic Credentials


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Academic Hierarchy


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Academic Institution


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Academic Organization


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Academic Period Sequences


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Academic Periods


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Academic Staff


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Class Sections


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Course Curriculum


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Curriculum Configuration


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Death Information


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Facilities


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Institution Settings


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Organization Contact Points


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Organization Contacts


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Organization Locations


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Organization Names


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Payment


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Population Selection Settings


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Privacy Information


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Program of Study


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Result Sets


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Student Citizenship and Passport Information


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Student Contact Information


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Student Curriculum


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Student Emergency Contacts


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Student Enrollment


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Student Ethnicity Information


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Student Gender Identity


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Student Identifying Demographic Information


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Student Licenses and Certifications


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Student Military Status


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Student Names


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Student Residency Official Information


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Student Results


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Student Visa Information


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Maintain Transaction References


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Academic Campuses


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Academic Levels


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Academic Subjects


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Communication Preferences


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Communication Templates


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Communications


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage External Organizations


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage National Identifier


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage National Identifier Type


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Organization Contacts


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Organization Identifiers


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Organization Locations


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Person Tags and Categories


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Person Test


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Service Indicators and Impacts


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Status Schemes


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Student Management Person Image


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Student Management Settings


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Student Official Residency


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage System Offices


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Task Notifications


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Tasks and Checklists


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Manage Waitlist Settings


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Process Release of Final Course Grades


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Process Student Enrollment Requisites


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Process Waitlisted Student Enrollments


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Reassign Tasks and Checklists


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Recalculate Cumulative Results


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Run Student Management Queries


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Run Student Management Rule Test Cases


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Schedule Rapid Implementation for Higher Education Process


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Search Person Profile


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Search for Organization Record


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Set Scheduled Course Time Zone


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Submit Receivables Automatic Receipt Creation Process


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Update Deceased Information


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Update Task and Checklist Assignments


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

Use Population Selection Process Parameters


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Academic Campuses


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Academic Institution


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Academic Levels


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Academic Organization


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Academic Subjects


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View All Task and Checklist Assignments


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Data Registry


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Deceased Information


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View External Organizations


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Geography Information


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View National Identifier


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View National Identifier Type


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Organization Contacts


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Organization Identifiers


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Organization Locations


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Person Test


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Receipt Credits


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Recipient's Response to a Communication


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Self-Service Communications


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Student Account


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Student Management Home Page Setups


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Student Management Queries


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Student Management Query Consumers


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Student Management Rule Test Cases


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Student Management Rules


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View System Offices


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Task and Checklist Assignments


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Trading Community Location


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Transaction References


Provides leadership to plan, organize, and manage all of the activities related to the Records and Registration Department, including serving as the official authorized keeper of the university's student records in a higher education setting.

View Waitlist Settings

Student Enrollment Inquiry

Inquiry access to student enrollment and results.

Access Financial Reporting Center

Student Enrollment Inquiry

Inquiry access to student enrollment and results.

View Student Enrollment

Student Enrollment Inquiry

Inquiry access to student enrollment and results.

View Student Results

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Registrar job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Academic Group

A Registrar can manage academic group for all academic groups

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Manage Academic Group (Data)

Resource: Academic Group

Academic Group

A Registrar can view academic group for all academic groups

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Academic Program (Data)

Resource: Academic Group

Academic Group

A Registrar can view academic group for all academic groups

Role: Registrar

Privilege: View Academic Group (Data)

Resource: Academic Group

Academic Institution

A Registrar can view academic institution for all academic institutions

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Academic Group (Data)

Resource: Academic Institution

Academic Institution

A Registrar can view academic institution for all academic institutions

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Academic Program (Data)

Resource: Academic Institution

Academic Level

A Registrar can view academic level for all academic levels

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Academic Course (Data)

Resource: Academic Level

Academic Level

A Registrar can view academic level for all academic levels

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Academic Group (Data)

Resource: Academic Level

Academic Level

A Registrar can view academic level for all academic levels

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Academic Program (Data)

Resource: Academic Level

Academic Organization

A Registrar can view academic organization for all academic organizations

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Academic Course (Data)

Resource: Academic Organization

Academic Organization

A Registrar can view academic organization for all academic organizations

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Academic Group (Data)

Resource: Academic Organization

Academic Organization

A Registrar can view academic organization for all academic organizations

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Academic Program (Data)

Resource: Academic Organization

Academic Subject

A Registrar can view academic subject for all academic subjects

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Academic Course (Data)

Resource: Academic Subject


A Registrar can manage course for all courses

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Manage Academic Course (Data)

Resource: Course


A Registrar can view course for all courses

Role: Registrar

Privilege: View Academic Course (Data)

Resource: Course

Institutional Campus

A Registrar can view institutional campus for all institutional campuses

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Academic Course (Data)

Resource: Institutional Campus

Institutional Campus

A Registrar can view institutional campus for all institutional campuses

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Academic Program (Data)

Resource: Institutional Campus

Payables Standard Invoice

A Registrar can manage payables invoice for all business units in the enterprise

Role: Student Accounts Receivable

Privilege: Manage Payables Invoice (Data)

Resource: Payables Standard Invoice

Person Test

A Registrar can manage person test for all person tests

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Manage Person Test (Data)

Resource: Person Test

Person Test Score

A Registrar can manage person test score for all person test scores

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Manage Person Test Score (Data)

Resource: Person Test Score


A Registrar can manage program for all academic programs

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Manage Academic Program (Data)

Resource: Program


A Registrar can view program for all academic programs

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Student Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Program


A Registrar can view program for all academic programs

Role: Registrar

Privilege: View Academic Program (Data)

Resource: Program

Receivables Adjustment

A Registrar can manage receivables transactions for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Student Accounts Receivable

Privilege: Manage Receivables Transactions (Data)

Resource: Receivables Adjustment

Receivables Bills Receivable

A Registrar can manage receivables activities for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Student Accounts Receivable

Privilege: Manage Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Receivables Bills Receivable

Receivables ChargeBack

A Registrar can manage receivables transactions for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Student Accounts Receivable

Privilege: Manage Receivables Transactions (Data)

Resource: Receivables ChargeBack

Receivables Credit Memo

A Registrar can manage receivables activities for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Student Accounts Receivable

Privilege: Manage Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Receivables Credit Memo

Receivables Credit Memo

A Registrar can view receivables activities for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Student Accounts Receivable

Privilege: View Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Receivables Credit Memo

Receivables Debit Memo

A Registrar can manage receivables transactions for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Student Accounts Receivable

Privilege: Manage Receivables Transactions (Data)

Resource: Receivables Debit Memo

Receivables Invoice

A Registrar can manage receivables transactions for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Student Accounts Receivable

Privilege: Manage Receivables Transactions (Data)

Resource: Receivables Invoice

Receivables Invoice

A Registrar can view receivables activities for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Student Accounts Receivable

Privilege: View Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Receivables Invoice

Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt

A Registrar can manage receivables receipts for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Student Accounts Receivable

Privilege: Manage Receivables Receipts (Data)

Resource: Receivables Miscellaneous Receipt

Receivables Standard Receipt

A Registrar can manage receivables receipts for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Student Accounts Receivable

Privilege: Manage Receivables Receipts (Data)

Resource: Receivables Standard Receipt

Receivables Standard Receipt

A Registrar can view receivables activities for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Student Accounts Receivable

Privilege: View Receivables Activities (Data)

Resource: Receivables Standard Receipt

Scheduled Course

A Registrar can view scheduled course for all scheduled courses

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Student Course Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Scheduled Course

Scheduled Course

A Registrar can view scheduled course for all students

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Add Students to Waitlist (Data)

Resource: Scheduled Course

Student Credential

A Registrar can manage student credential for all student credentials

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Manage Student Credential (Data)

Resource: Student Credential

Student Program

A Registrar can manage student program for all student programs

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Manage Student Program Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Student Program

Student Program

A Registrar can view student program for all student programs

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Student Credential (Data)

Resource: Student Program

Student Result

A Registrar can manage student result for all student results

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Manage Student Course Result (Data)

Resource: Student Result

Student Scheduled Course

A Registrar can delete student scheduled course for all students

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Remove Students from Waitlist (Data)

Resource: Student Scheduled Course

Student Scheduled Course

A Registrar can manage student scheduled course for all student scheduled courses

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Manage Student Course Enrollment (Data)

Resource: Student Scheduled Course

Student Scheduled Course

A Registrar can update student scheduled course for all students

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Enroll Students from Waitlist (Data)

Resource: Student Scheduled Course

Student Scheduled Course

A Registrar can update student scheduled course for all students

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Update Waitlist Position (Data)

Resource: Student Scheduled Course

Student Scheduled Course

A Registrar can view student scheduled course for all student scheduled courses

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Create Student Course Result (Data)

Resource: Student Scheduled Course

Student Scheduled Course

A Registrar can view student scheduled course for all students

Role: Registrar

Privilege: View Waitlist Position (Data)

Resource: Student Scheduled Course

Trading Community Customer Account

A Registrar can update customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Student Financials Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Update Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Registrar can maintain trading community customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

A Registrar can view trading community customer account relationship for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Registrar

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Registrar can maintain trading community customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Registrar can manage customer account site for all customer account sites in the enterprise

Role: Student Financials Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Registrar can view customer account site for all customer account sites in the enterprise

Role: Student Financials Customer Maintenance

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site

A Registrar can view trading community customer account site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Registrar

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Registrar can maintain trading community customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Registrar

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Registrar can manage customer account site use for all customer account site uses in the enterprise

Role: Student Financials Customer Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Registrar can view customer account site use for all customer account site uses in the enterprise

Role: Student Financials Customer Maintenance

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

A Registrar can view trading community customer account site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized

Role: Registrar

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Trading Community Organization Party

A Registrar can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Customer Payment Instrument Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Party

A Registrar can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Customer Payment Instrument Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Registrar can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Registrar can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Relationship

A Registrar can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

A Registrar can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Registrar can update trading community resource for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

A Registrar can view trading community resource for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile


This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Registrar job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Citizenship

A Registrar can manage trading community person citizenship number for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person Citizenship Number (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Citizenship

Trading Community Citizenship

A Registrar can view trading community person citizenship number for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Citizenship Number (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Citizenship

Trading Community Party

A Registrar can manage trading community person social security for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person Social Security (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Registrar can view trading community person social security for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Social Security (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

A Registrar can manage trading community person additional identifier for all identifiers in the enterprise

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person Additional Identifier (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

A Registrar can view trading community person additional identifier for all identifiers in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Additional Identifier (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Trading Community Person Address

A Registrar can manage trading community person address for personal addresses

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person Address (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address

Trading Community Person Address

A Registrar can view trading community person address for personal addresses

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Address (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address

Trading Community Person E-Mail

A Registrar can manage trading community person contact for personal e-mail

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person E-Mail

Trading Community Person E-Mail

A Registrar can view trading community person contact for personal e-mail

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person E-Mail

Trading Community Person Phone

A Registrar can manage trading community person contact for personal phone numbers

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone

A Registrar can view trading community person contact for personal phone numbers

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone