Map a Party Usage Name to a Role

Roles give users access to data and functions. To automatically provision student and instructor roles, you map the roles with party usage names.

Party usages describe how a party is implemented in Student Management. Prospects signing up to apply to the institution are implemented as constituent party usages. If your institution defined a custom role to be assigned to prospects, you define the role mapping between this custom role and the constituent party usage. This will enable the application to provision the custom role to all prospects who sign up with the institution.

To enable this provisioning, sign in as IT Security Manager and follow these steps:

  1. Click Setup and Maintenance. In the Functional area, click Application Access. In the Task area, click Manage User Role Mappings.

  2. Click the New icon.

  3. In the Party Usage Name column, select a value from the list. For example, select the constituent party usage if the role mapping is for signing up a prospect user.

  4. In the Role Code column, select the role that's to be mapped automatically to the party usage. For example, when a visitor signs up as a user, you can specify that the student role be automatically assigned to this visitor.

  5. Optional: In the User Category Name column, select a user category.