When do Edits to Role Mappings Take Effect

You use the Edit Role Mapping page to update a role mapping. To edit a role mapping, perform the Manage Role Provisioning Rules task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Changes that you make to start and end dates, role-mapping conditions, and the associated roles can affect current role provisioning. Let's look at how the changes take effect.

Automatically Provisioned Roles

Changes to roles that were provisioned automatically take effect as soon as one of these things happen:

  • The Autoprovision Roles for All Users process runs.

    This process compares all current user assignments with all current role mappings and updates role provisioning as appropriate. Run this process after creating or editing role mappings and after loading person records in bulk.

  • An administrator clicks Apply Autoprovisioning on the Manage User Account or Edit User page for individual users affected by the role mapping.

    This action compares the user's current assignments with all current role mappings and updates the user's roles as appropriate.

  • An administrator creates or updates assignments of users affected by the role mapping.

    These actions cause a user's roles to be re-evaluated.

Requestable Roles

Changes to requestable roles take effect immediately. If you remove a requestable role from the role mapping or change the role-mapping conditions, these things happen:

  • Users who currently have the role keep it.

    Users such as line managers provision requestable roles manually to other users. Users lose manually provisioned roles automatically only when all of their work relationships are terminated. Otherwise, users keep manually provisioned roles until you manually deprovision them.

  • Users who could provision the role to other users can no longer do so, unless they satisfy the revised role-mapping conditions.

Self-Requestable Roles

Changes to self-requestable roles take effect immediately. If you remove a self-requestable role from the role mapping or change the role-mapping conditions, these things happen:

  • Users who currently have the role keep it.

    Users lose manually provisioned roles automatically only when all of their work relationships are terminated. Otherwise, users keep manually provisioned roles until you manually deprovision them.

  • Users who could request the role can no longer do so, unless they satisfy the revised role-mapping conditions.