Add Attributes for Programs

When you create a program, add attributes such as academic group and credentials.

Access the Programs page: From Student Central, click Search and search for Manage Curriculum.

Academic Level

Select an academic level for the program. For example, create a Biology major at the Undergraduate level.

Academic Group

Select an academic group for the program. For example create a Biology major in the College of Natural Sciences. In a student's program record, programs are organized by academic group. To maintain consistency across program offerings, you can select only an academic group with an academic level that matches the program level.

You can associate a main program with only one academic group. You can associate a program that isn't a main program with more than one academic group or make it available to all academic groups.


You can add one or more credentials for a program. Credentials are degrees, diplomas, or certificates that students can earn after successful completion of their study. Credentials are recorded on a student's academic record.

The credential formal name is defined using the Credentials page, but you can edit the name when you add a credential to a program. For example, if the formal name is Bachelor of Arts, you might change it to Bachelor of Arts in History when you add the credential to a History program.

Sometimes, credentials are awarded to students as they proceed through their program of study as well as on completion of the program. For multiple credentials, you must select at least one final credential to indicate that a student completes the program when the student achieves this credential. You can add more than one final credential to a program, such as Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science. For programs with multiple credentials, use the Display Sequence field to order credentials. This order is used in credential search and summary pages.

Rapid Implementation

You can also create and load programs using the Rapid Implementation process. Use these tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Student Management offering:

  • Create Curriculum Items Configuration in Spreadsheet
  • Upload Curriculum Structures in Spreadsheet