Add Requisites for Courses

When you create a course, you can add requisites for the course.

Adding requisites is optional.

Note: Only course prerequisites and program requisites are currently supported.

If a course has both course and program prerequisites, a student must meet all prerequisites to enroll in the course.

When you add a course prerequisite, select a requisite scheme from those defined on the Requisite Schemes page. The mapping in the setup page influences what happens when a student enrolls in a course that has a prerequisite. Requisite Schemes

An example of a program prerequisite is an Economics major as a prerequisite for enrollment in an Economics course.

Here's how you add requisites:

  1. Click the Requisites tab.

  2. In the Course Prerequisites section, click Add Course.

  3. Search for and click the courses that you want to add as prerequisites.

    Courses are displayed in the Current Selections box.

  4. Click Add.

    If you add more than one course, the courses you add are treated as a list of courses which are all required to meet the prerequisite.

  5. Select a requisite scheme (required).

  6. Follow similar steps to add program requisites. A program requisite ensures that a student can’t enroll in the course section if the student isn’t associated with a program.

    If you add more than one program, a student needs to be associated with only one of the programs, not all programs, to satisfy the requisite requirement.

  7. You can add a description about the requisites, which students can see in self-service pages.

  8. After you finish adding your requisites, go back to the Details tab to complete creating the course.

Final Steps

Here are the final steps for creating a course:

  1. Go to the Details tab.

  2. Change the status of the course to Active.

    Note: All required fields plus ownership and academic level data must be saved before you can set a course to active.
    Note: A course must be active before you can create course sections.
  3. Click Save.

Rapid Implementation

You can also create and load courses using the Rapid Implementation process. Use these tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Student Management offering:

  • Create Curriculum Items Configuration in Spreadsheet
  • Upload Curriculum Structures in Spreadsheet