Evaluate an Application

When an application is assigned to you, either after you have assigned yourself or someone else has assigned you to it, click Evaluate to begin the admissions review process.

After this step you can't edit the application's content, but you can still update the evaluation status.

Here are some actions you take when you evaluate an application:

  • Review all submitted content.

  • Assign an evaluator.

  • Create checklists to collect additional information required to make an admissions decision.

  • Track when checklist tasks are complete and monitor the emails that the checklist generates to applicants.

  • Enter an admissions decision.

When you're finished, select your Admissions Decision (such as admit, deny, or waitlist) and enter any additional comments associated with your decision before saving. Admissions application action reasons are set up using the Manage Admissions Application Action Reasons task in Functional Setup Manager.

Students can monitor their application throughout the evaluation process, and respond to checklist task requests, using the self-service Applicant Dashboard.