Post Student Credit

Post external fund credits to pay off outstanding charges in student accounts. Or post waivers to reduce fees or tuition. Posting waivers is optional because the waiver is automatically applied when the tuition calculation process runs.

The Post Credit Transactions page lets you review existing external fund credits and waivers. You can use the credits to settle or reduce outstanding charges in one or more student accounts. You'll be able to select students and academic periods.

For external funds, you'll indicate the amount to post to student accounts.

For waivers, the posting process uses the calculation rule you defined.

On the landing page, there's a list of credits. You can see which ones are posted or reversed. You can use various filters to refine the list so that you're only looking at the credits you want to see.

  1. To access the page, from Student Central search for Post Credit Transactions.
  2. Click Actions > Post Credit.
  3. Follow the task wizard to complete the action.

Once you initiate the posting process, the payment application rules take effect. The posting process looks at the charge priority mapping as well as the credit priority to determine which charges are eligible, the order they should be paid, and what balance is paid.

For waivers, the fees are reduced or waived based on the calculation rule. After calculation, the posting process uses the charge priority mapping and credit priority to settle the balance. If the waiver has already been applied to a particular student account, the process skips that account.


The posted credit should appear on the landing page. Depending on how you set up the external fund credit, it pays off eligible outstanding charges.