Select Students and Curriculum to Sponsor

Choose the students and curriculum that you want to sponsor. Make sure that a sponsorship credit and sponsorship agreement exist and that you've linked the credit to the agreement.

Courses that are eligible for sponsorship are set up in the sponsorship credit. If you don't see the course that you want to sponsor, you need to add it to the sponsorship credit. Note that a sponsorship agreement is required only if you've enabled Bill Sponsor in the credit.

  1. From Student Central, search for Manage Credit Assignments.
  2. Click Actions > Assign Students.
  3. Follow the task wizard to complete the assignment.

    When selecting a curriculum, you can choose from these options:

    • Select All Sponsored Curriculum. This option means that you're essentially sponsoring students for all the curriculum associated with the academic period. The process selects all the curriculum linked to the academic period for this specific student credit. And students can enroll in any of the listed courses.
    • Select Any Curriculum Associated with the Academic Period. This option lets you override the curriculum that's associated with the academic period. For example, an academic period is set up with various courses for product management, sales, or training for specific applications. If you want to sponsor only product management courses, then select only the product management courses. Doing so allows students to choose only from among product management courses.