Create a Communication

Use the Communications work area to create communications.

To access the Communications work area: From Student Central, click Search and search for Communications. On the work area, click Create Communication.

Communication Type

You can create an event-based communication or a date-based communication.

Select Event-based if you want the communication to be triggered based on an event that occurs in the application. An example of event-based communication is the communication sent to applicants when an admit decision is made.

Select Date-based if you want the communication to be triggered based on a date related event. An example of date-based communication is the bill due reminders sent to students.

Communication Details

When you create the communication:

  • Add attributes, such as category and academic organization, to the communication.

  • Decide whether you want the communication to get inactivated automatically on a particular date.

  • Select an event that triggers the communication. For example:

    • If you selected Event-based as the communication type, select the admissions application submission event from the Select Event field. This will send an automatic email to the applicants when they submit an admissions application.

    • If you selected Date-based as the communication type, select the task due event from the Select Date field. This will send an automatic email reminder to the applicants or students to complete their task.

  • Decide whether to send the event-based communication immediately when triggered or at a specific time after it's triggered.

  • For a date-based communication, specify the timing rule. For example, you can specify that the bill due reminders should be sent automatically three days before the due date and again one day before the due date.

  • Decide whether to include program tokens in your communication that are related to assigned tasks and checklists. For example, you might want to design an email about approaching due dates, specific to the program the recipient is interested in.

Communication Events

You can create communications for delivered events. Here are examples of such events:

  • Enrollment in a scheduled course.

    A scheduled course is also known as a course section.

  • A scheduled course drop.

  • Cancellation of a scheduled course.

  • Addition of a scheduled course meeting.

  • Cancellation of a scheduled course meeting.

  • Instructor's announcements for students in a course roster.

  • Payment to a student or sponsor account.

  • Charges posted to a student or sponsor account.

  • Refund posted to a student or sponsor account.

  • Bill generated for a student or sponsor account.

  • The payment initiated through student self service was received.

  • No payment was required through student self service and the enrollment was successful.

  • A student selected manual fee payment option.

  • A bill is due reminder.

  • Admissions application submission.

  • Admit decision made.

  • Admit decision made and payment is required for enrollment.

  • Admission deny decision made.

  • An invitation is sent to a recommender to submit a recommendation on behalf of an applicant.

  • A checklist is assigned.

  • A checklist is due reminder.

  • A checklist is completed.

  • A task is assigned.

  • A task is due reminder.

  • A task is completed.

You can see all the delivered events by clicking Add Event on the new category page or the edit category page.

Communication Format

When creating the content for a communication, you can format it using options such as font size, font color, text alignment, and institution's logo.


Use tokens as placeholder text that fills automatically at runtime. For example, you can add the token {FIRST_NAME} to the communication content. When an email is sent to a student named Lisa Jones, the token is automatically filled up with the student's first name, which is Lisa.

This table shows examples of communication tokens.



Admissions application submission

  • Applicant's first name and last name

  • Applicant's preferred name

  • Application display name

  • Application submission date

  • Institution name

  • Current date

  • Current date and time

Admit decision made

Admission deny decision made

  • Applicant's first name and last name

  • Applicant's preferred name

  • Application display name

  • Application submission date

  • Academic group

  • Academic program

  • Admissions decision

  • Academic program start date

  • Institution name

  • Current date

  • Current date and time

Admit decision made and payment is required for enrollment

  • Applicant's first name and last name

  • Applicant's preferred name

  • Application display name

  • Application submission date

  • Academic program

  • Academic program URL

  • My finances URL

  • Admissions decision

  • Academic program start date

  • Institution name

  • Current date

  • Current date and time

Enrollment in a scheduled course

A scheduled course drop

  • Student's first name and last name

  • Student's preferred name

  • Scheduled course name

  • Instructor name

  • Scheduled course meeting patterns

  • Requisite content

  • Institution name

  • Current date

  • Current date and time

Addition of a scheduled course meeting

Cancellation of a scheduled course meeting

  • Student's first name and last name

  • Student's preferred name

  • Scheduled course name

  • Facility name

  • Scheduled course meeting start date and time

  • Scheduled course meeting end date and time

  • Institution name

  • Current date

  • Current date and time

Instructor's announcements

  • Student's first name and last name

  • Student's preferred name

  • Email body

  • Email subject

  • Institution name

  • Current date

  • Current date and time

Payment posted to a student or sponsor account

  • Student's first name and last name

  • Student's preferred name

  • Amount paid

  • Institution name

  • Current date

  • Current date and time

Charges posted to a student or sponsor account

  • Student's first name and last name

  • Student's preferred name

  • Charge amount

  • Institution name

  • Current date

  • Current date and time

Refund posted to a student or sponsor account

  • Student's first name and last name

  • Student's preferred name

  • Refund amount

  • Institution name

  • Current date

  • Current date and time

Bill generated for a student or sponsor account

  • Student's first name and last name

  • Student's preferred name

  • URL to view the bill

  • Institution name

  • Current date

  • Current date and time

The payment initiated through student self-service was received

  • Student's first name and last name

  • Student's preferred name

  • Receipt number

  • Amount paid

  • Institution name

  • Current date

  • Current date and time

  • Shopping cart ID

No payment was required through student self-service and the enrollment was successful

  • Student's first name and last name

  • Student's preferred name

  • Institution name

  • Current date

  • Current date and time

  • Shopping cart ID

A student selected manual fee payment option

  • Student's first name and last name

  • Student's preferred name

  • Institution name

  • Current date

  • Current date and time

  • Checkout message set up on the Manage Academic Business Unit page

  • Total amount due

A checklist is assigned

A checklist is completed

  • Applicant's or student's first name and last name

  • Applicant's or student's preferred name

  • Institution name

  • Current date

  • Current date and time

  • Checklist name

  • Checklist tasks list

  • Checklist start date

  • Checklist end date

  • Checklist due date

  • Checklist instructions

  • URL of assigned checklist

Action Tokens

You can create actionable communications, that allow the recipient to respond within the body of an email or through their self-service Message Center. For example, you might want to create an email asking a user to provide consent for being added to a managed student group. Include action tokens when you create the email. They render as action buttons when the email is generated. The delivered action tokens are {COMM_ACTION_ACCEPT} and {COMM_ACTION_DENY}.

Schedule the Process to Send Date-Based Communications

After you create a date-based communication, run the Send Date-Based Communication process. This process sends all the date-based communications that you've set up. You must have the Higher Education Application Administrator role to run this process. In security console, the role code is ORA_HEY_HIGHER_EDUCATION_APPLICATION_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB.

To run the process:

  1. Click Navigator, and in the Tools area, click Scheduled Processes.

  2. On the Scheduled Processes Overview page, click Schedule New Process.

  3. In the Schedule New Process dialog box, leave the type as Job, select the Send Date-Based Communication process in the Name field, and click OK. You can search for the process using the date keyword and selecting Send Date-Based Communication from the results.

  4. In the Process Details dialog box, click Advanced and in the Advanced Options, Schedule tab, select Using a schedule.

  5. Set the process to run daily at a particular time.

  6. Click Submit.