Overview of Events

Events occuring in Oracle Student Management Cloud can trigger communications that are sent to subscribers. Subscribers can perform actions when For example, notifications can be sent when students enroll in courses, or payments are made to their accounts.

To access the System Events work area: From Student Central, click Search, click the Academic Settings icon, and expand System Events. Here, you'll see these areas::

  • Event Subscribers

    View the subscribers to events. Subscribers are preexisting endpoints in the application. When an event occurs, communications are sent to the subscribers for that event. The subscribers can then perform actions, such as sending email communications.

  • Events

    View a list of active and inactive events. You can click an event name in the list to view details of the event, including the event code, payload format, and description. You can search the list for specific events by name, and you can choose to display only active or inactive events using filtering options.

  • Events Workspace

    View statistics about events and subscribers in a given time frame, such as total events, events by a particular status, and the success rate of delivery to subscribers.

Here are examples of events that can notify subscribers when they occur:

  • Admissions application submission.

  • Enrollment in a scheduled course.

  • Instructor's announcements for students in a course roster.

  • Bill generated for a student or sponsor account.

  • A bill is due reminder.

  • A checklist is assigned.

  • A task is completed.

You can see all the delivered events by clicking Add Event on the new category page or the edit category page.